Sunday, October 25, 2020

Dawn of the Republican Zombies


A few years back a famous science communicator about lost his shit when during a podcast someone asked a question about zombies. I'm not a big fan of this particular science communicator since he tends to dwell on pop culture more than actual science and when he does stay on subject, like astrophysics, he explains things like you would to a first grader.

Now I understood this science person's frustration, undead zombies were the pop cultural darlings of that time with several hit television shows, a couple of movies, and numerous books being published. There were even survivalist clubs being formed to “prepare” for a zombie apocalypse. Which to their sane members were more role-playing game organizations than an actual end-of-the-world groups.

The problem though is that undead zombies do exist in a fashion. Not literally with half-decayed, reanimated corpses roaming the country looking to bite the living, but rather politically in the form of Republican conservatism.

While Barry Goldwater is considered the grandfather of modern conservatism, like most I'd have to say Ronald Reagan was its father. Being overly kind here, but Reagan's election to the presidency in 1980 was an answer to the perceived accesses of liberalism and the failure to get tough with communism. Truth be told, while I am exceedingly liberal in most respects, I do feel that during the 1970's liberalism itself lost its way. In short and simple terms, I believe liberalism as a movement was suffering from all the shocks and terrible events that occurred during that time.

It was everything from the JFK assassination, LBJ's insistence to increase our presence in Vietnam, riots and civil unrest throughout the nation, the assassination of Martin Luther King and RFK, to the radical left's abandonment of Hubert Humphrey in 1968. The end result was a disorientated and exhausted movement that as usual with politicians, became more about acquiring power and holding onto it. Sure, there were plenty of examples of liberal politicians doing their jobs, but in the face of news reports of “welfare mothers” dropping more babies for bigger government checks and expensive and ridiculous pork barrel projects, the election of 1980 seemed a natural reaction.

Here's the paradox though, initially this empowered Republican conservatism portrayed itself as having the moral high ground. Back in the 1980's, they claimed to be defenders of faith, morals, fiscal responsibility, and the rightful protectors of American liberties. And today, nothing shows the zombification of Republican conservatism than how the majority has thrown their support behind an individual who has literally betrayed every one of those principles.

Before entering politics, conservatism's Orange Messiah openly displayed a lifestyle that made a mockery of both legitimate faith and morals. Each of his marriages ended because of affairs with the next woman who would become his next wife. Then we have his extracurricular activities with numerous porn stars. Never one to be outdone by some Arkansas huckster, Orange Messiah also faces numerous accusations of sexual abuse and outright rape. The truly bizarre thing is that he's on tape clearly bragging about getting away with those types of actions and laughing about it.

As for his promise to balance the federal budget in his first term, the budget deficit shot back through the White House roof long before the pandemic appeared. In his last year in office President Obama had brought down the federal deficit considerably, only to have the Orange Messiah pass a tax cut through the Republican-controlled houses of Congress that jacked it back up to a trillion dollars a year.

I'm not the type to blame the mainstream media for anything, the men and women who work in that field have a difficult job in the sane, normal times of American politics. But the Black Guy wasn't comfortable in his post-presidency life when all talk of the federal budget deficit dropped off the nightly news. Now with the pandemic, Orange Messiah and his spineless acolytes casually toss around trillions of dollars without even mentioning the deficit. Doesn't anyone else remember several United States senators losing their shit over President Obama wanting to spend extra money to provide disaster relief to people here in the United States? Those elephant bitches whined that President Obama would have to transfer funds from other agencies and departments to pay such actions that helped Americans!

To a certain extent all those hypocrisies are standard practices, even in sane times. Neither political party has never been free from corruption and lets me honest here, a certain level of backroom negotiations and under the table deals are required to grease the wheels of government. But since the dawn of the Reagan Revolution these compromises have only snowballed and become less the exceptions and more the rule.

Perhaps the best example of the undead zombie nature of Republican conservatism is how it willingly consorts with our international enemies and adversaries. It's unbelievable but in a lot of ways Republicans have gone from the party of national security to having many of it members depending on our enemies to run interference for them in elections. I honest to God wish Reagan could come back for a couple of days just to see his reaction to the Orange Messiah dropping his pants and bend over so Putin could get his satisfaction.

The most dangerous example of Republican zombification has to be the talk of civil war coming from adherents to the Orange Messiah. Internet videos abound of deadly earnest militia types that say any defeat of Trump at the polls is fake and that they will fight. These people openly brag about taking to the streets and spilling blood of those they hate. I've talked to these people and there is an awful glee in their statements akin to a child hoping Santa fulfills his or her wishes. They have bought far too many guns and ammo for it all just to gather dust in some cabinet.

Republican conservatism is no longer a living political philosophy but a bankrupt, conspiratorial cult whose majority of member are abject racists. For the rich and powerful conservatism is now just an excuse to protect their interests at the expense of everyone else. For the uneducated, conservatism is cover for their ancient bigotries and unwillingness to adapt to a changing world. It's easier for them to whine about the good old days and plan their dark, action movie-inspired fantasies than try to adjust to the demands of this era.

I'd like to say zombie Republican conservatives are just a fanciful and ridiculous creation of my bored mind. But in truth they are a real danger looking for any reason to spill American blood this November.


The Armchair Squid said...

November's going to be... interesting, regardless of the result.

What was Mr. Clinton's line? Democrats want to fall in love. Republicans want to fall in line.

The trouble with liberalism, done properly, is that it requires you to think, to question. Conservatism does not. Let someone else worry about it.

SpacerGuy said...

Lets draw a comparison, History doesn't forget. In Lionel Standers case remember him? (Max in Hart to Hart) there was little forgiveness... I watched this way back when. Stander admitted he worked a little too closely to the communist party but never joined. Once the big hollywood studios got word, forget about it, no chance. He got indirect grief from the HUAC cos like Stander got villainised by the media and had to sue Marc Laurence for slander for calling him a commie, what a sleighride and that guy fled the country. I'd put money the orange zombie will too.

Geo. said...

Picture reminds me of a scene trapped in Travertine years ago that caused me to doodle it with dancers. Please go see;

The Bug said...

That’s two posts that I’ve read in a row that made a reference to Barry Goldwater. Well, the other post was a commenter talking about the Goldwater Salute (giving someone the finger). And that's exactly what I'd like to do to this iteration of the Republican party: ╭∩╮

Ten Bears said...

I actually got a pretty good response the other day when I made comment about how a bandana folded to four layers is as effective as any other mask with the added benefit of should you walk through some zombie gas it'll keep it out of your beard. If you don't want to breathe someone else's exhaust you surely don't want it in your beard. Right?

Funny you should mention zombies. Just the other day I was running a dialog through memory out of Riding the Torch, an old short story that touches briefly on Job, and his tasks; which in turn led to chuckling ore Job's Comedy of Justice, and how his heaven and the afterlife melted away into a flat gray featureless landscape with The Faithful aimlessly wandering around like so many zombies. I don't recall if Heinlein called them zombies but that's what I came away with.

Taking it to the next level: I'm sure it applies to all religion, all theisms, but we're dealin' with 'christians' first hand and folks, I here to tell you now there are zombies amongst us. Whither they drink the fool-aid, get bit by a bug or burned with the fever, they're just ...

Jeff said...

The next week (and if the orange dude loses, the next few months) will be interesting. The words liberal and conservative no longer have any meaning and your comments about Trump's spending frenzy hits the nail on the head.

Mycue23 said...

At this point, all that matters is that your side wins (not you in particular, Ron). That's it. That's all anyone in Washington cares about. There isn't a politician, from either party, who gives a flying F!$k about my problems or your problems. I'll be voting blue on Tuesday, but it's with the understanding that the whole system is bankrupt of ideas and ideology that will help the majority of people in this country. In order to have an ideology, you have to believe in something. The rich and powerful only care about keeping and increasing both wealth and power. That's not an ideology. So conservatism is dead. Liberalism is dead. It's all Zombieland.