Sunday, September 9, 2018

Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season

 For the obvious selfish and foolish reasons, I had begun to convince myself the South Carolina coast just might avoid any issues this hurricane season. This hurricane season thankfully seemed a bust with few Atlantic storms forming and those that did quickly fizzling out. Well, much to my chagrin, I got up yesterday morning, made a cup of crappy decaf coffee, and turned on the television to learn Hurricane Florence appears to have the South Carolina coast dead in its sights.

For the survivors of Hurricane Maria, my complaints about what may happen in the coming days are most definitely the highest form of whining. But such is human nature when the delicate balance of normal demands and daily concerns of life are threatened by a much worse outside force. What is slightly funny for me on a strictly personal level is whenever I use to voice my trepidation on what may happen, like the possible damage an approaching hurricane might cause, some jackleg douche invariably tries to offer up a “glass half full” scenario. Such people like to offer trite statements at how adversity could pull people together to work for the common good, or some other feel good crap. I would consider such a possibility in more enlightened portions of the country or world, but here in Red State suburbia, I highly doubt it. Personally, I often believe these seemingly civilized suburbanites are just a few missed meals away from eating each other. 

Whatever the case, Dragonwife, my lovely and smart spouse is heading to the local Costco today to pick up a respectable amount of bottled water and canned goods as a precaution. If Florence does decide to smack South Carolina, even indirectly, my work will certainly demand I stay on-site to help maintain continued safe and steady operation. So, I wish everyone within Hurricane Florence's possible path destruction the best of luck. Here's a couple of required Buffett tunes to think about in the coming days. 


The Bug said...

Good luck! We're even making plans for power loss here in the almost western part of NC.

Pixel Peeper said...

From the forecasts and the warnings I've read, this storm is being described just like they described Hurricane Irma a year ago. Monster, huge, vicious, scary...

Here's hoping the storm will turn out to sea enough and not make a direct hit on the coastal areas and that you guys further inland are spared. One can always hope, right? When Matthew went along the east coast of Florida in 2016, we didn't feel a thing here in the central part of the state.

Still, it probably won't hurt to have some beer, batteries, flashlights, and snacks on hand. Stay safe and keep us posted!

Ranch Chimp said...

Actually, I was just watching the tracking of this, this morning on the news (wednesday), and thought of you. I thought, ole Bum is fixin to get hammered! ... you know the ole sayin ... "shit happens"

sage said...

Stay safe. I was thinking this was just going to be a problem for my family in SE NC, but now it seems as if it might head south and even give us in the Savannah area a dusting. I am sick of hurricanes. Send snow!