Sunday, February 9, 2025

America's Political Chernobyl


 Warning: extreme pessimism alert

 Mark Twain once said, “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.” I’ve read enough history to be just a little bit dangerous when it comes to expressing an opinion on geopolitical circumstances. But what the Hell, I’m not a megalomaniacal billionaire suffering from a messiah complex nor a dementia-ridden, deviant, traitor conman who loves the uneducated. So I think I can safely express the level of pessimism I feel without causing any damage.

This mindset started yesterday as I began to rewatch the HBO series on the Chernobyl disaster. The book, Midnight at Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham is a much more detailed history of the events surrounding the disaster. But the HBO series, more of human drama, is accurate enough for this post.

American conservatives love to point to the Chernobyl disaster as one of the proofs that all forms of socialism is intrinsically evil. Yes, Marxist-Leninism has killed untold millions of people around the world and caused suffering of even more, but in the case of Chernobyl communism takes on more of an American Corporate mismanagement/mafia-like feel.

The explosion of the Number Four RBMK reactor at Chernobyl was caused by a number of design flaws and operator errors during a late-night safety test. The purpose of this test was to determine how long the reactors turbines could provide power after shutdown. But the operators either disabled or ignored numerous safety protocols.

The actual mechanics of the reactor failure isn’t relevant here but the actions of the operators and the management staff above them are. In simple terms many in the control room initially refused to believe the severity of the situation. And only after the radioactive elephant in the room could not be ignored any further did the mechanisms of the State begin to act. But instead of those involved taking responsibility and moving with all due speed to mitigate the cataclysm, almost everyone in leadership blamed someone else or did their best to lie about the what happened.

Chernobyl was a nightmare for the beginning but as events unfolded it became blindingly clear to the few competent people in the Soviet Union that their entire government was lies and illusions tightly wrapped together around a rotten hollow core.

In actuality, as stated in the book, there were a small group of individuals who heroically worked to get the various bureaucratic agencies moving in the right direction. Chernobyl could have been far worse, there were several post-explosion events that could have literally made huge chunks of eastern and central Europe radioactive wastelands for centuries.

The biggest causality of Chernobyl was ultimately the Soviet government. Its incompetence and lies were eventually fully exposed to both its allies and enemies. Throw in the Soviet Union’s own disastrous Afghanistan involvement and the entire world finally understood it was an empire about to collapse. The invisible Red Menace fell to pieces just a few years later. Somehow its collapse was still a shock to many in governments around the world.

Where the historical rhymes begin in my opinion come from the second Trump Administration that in less than a month in power of this post has literally destroyed the reputation of the United States government around the world.

Where shall I start? First Trump seems to have a Neo-imperialistic agenda with his desire to buy Greenland, annex Canada, attack Mexico, and retake the Panama Canal. And yes, he has not ruled out using military force to achieve these objectives. This point alone reveals a level of stupidity, incompetence and corruption that rivals the worst of the Chernobyl disaster. None of our allies should ever trust a goddamn thing any American president says again. While we may yet survive the Tangerine Hitler- something I highly doubt- and elect a competent president again, there will always be a possibility that another demagogue emerges to undo the previous administration’s actions.

Secondly, the Tangerine Hitler has unleashed the self-proclaimed savior of Western Civilization, Elmo Musk on the inner workings of the United States government. Elmo and his minions are working relentlessly to destroy the inner workings of the United States government like a rabid bull in a tiny China shop.

Third point is his insane tariffs he was about to place on Canada and Mexico. While at the time of this post these tariffs have been delayed after both countries placated the “Art of the Deal” conman with agreements made during the Biden Administration. The result of course is still the same, at any moment Tangerine Hitler could throw a tantrum throwing economic deals in chaos. Shit like that tends to wreck economies.

My fourth point is that the Republican Party control all three branches of the United States government and none have shown any willingness to rein in Trump’s psychotic impulses. And the Democrats? There are a few working as a resistance, but the party leaders have been AWOL since the election. The Soviet Union of course was filled to the brim with party hacks that acted more like sheep than leaders.

My last point is Trump’s choices for his cabinet. The level of incompetence and fanatical devotion to his cult of personality is outright terrifying. Cash Patel, Pam Bodi, the degenerate individual from a morning Fox News show he picked to run the DoD, and the brainworm RFK jr. are all examples of a Chernobyl-level nightmare waiting the right moment to happen.

The sad fact many suffering from delusions of American Exceptionalism fail to understand is that no nation is eternal. Especially when a nation’s leaders and the government they control are nothing but lies and illusions wrapped around a rotten core. When the truth about a nation’s failings and lack of ability to reform become obvious, that government is almost doomed to fall.

I honestly feel Trump could end the United States as a political entity. Given his actions in just the short time he’s been in office to ignore that possibility could bite us all in the ass.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Morally Lost And Ethically Unredeemable


Depending on who you talk with the question of when the last milligram of competence and ethical behavior died in our elected officials will get you a multitude of answers. Of course, to a certain degree the elected officials in this country have never shown any consist level of competence and ethics. Simple put politics is a disgusting but necessary endeavor to have a functioning society. The absence of organized politics is not some libertarian utopia but a survival of the fittest anarchical nightmare.

But in countries where there is at least a semi-commitment to the rule of law and the idea that at some hazy point certain political actions exceed even the most tenuous rationalizations you would expect elected officials to show some absolute values. I mean the majority of elected federal officials in this country proudly profess to possess some belief in the teaching of Jesus Christ. Along with the ideas enshrined in the United States Constitution of human rights and that no individual is above the law.

So just for shits and giggles I’ll concede that federal elected officials have shown a moderate level of dignified actions and proper behavior since the ratification of the United States Constitution. Yes, that assumption is greatly flawed, but work with me here. The unavoidable truth is that all human culture and morals are fictional constructs that vary to the whims of people living at any given moment.

That became glaringly obvious for me yesterday. And even though all my illusions about American Democracy have long since been damaged beyond repair, the responses I got from my US congressman and senators show a level of moral and ethical abandonment that is staggering to me.

It all began with the news that the Tangerine Hitler (“TH” for short) was going to take over the Gaza Strip after Israel concluded the war with Hamas. TH’s plans had for the entire Palestinian population being evacuated from Gaza and be permanently relocated to other nearby countries. In other words ethnic cleansing, the crime against humanity one small step below organized genocide.

Understand, I have mixed feelings about the whole Israeli/Palestinian conflict. That insane bloodbath has been centuries in the making involving both the Western and Arab world. One huge clusterfuck with no true good or bad guy above the individual level. The victims though are millions of human beings who only want to raise their children in peace. If there is any one example of the savage and short-sighted nature of our species it is that conflict.

Given the intransigence of all those involved I often think the best course of action would be to close off the region and let them fight it out. That of course is out of the question. There are good people and innocent children who continue to be victims of religious hate and basic greed.

When I learned of TH’s plans for Gaza, I felt moved to call my duly elected federal representatives. The result of my efforts to talke with them has me entertaining the idea that our government is nonredeemable.

My first call was to my congressman, a person who in a better, wiser world would have never been allowed to rise above the average county councilman. To say he is a swarmy little weasel would be an insult to the Mustelidae family which includes badgers, otters, and wolverines.

Of course I only reached the unlucky dude tasked with manning the phones. I asked this guy what was Congressman Weasel's views on TH’s plans for the Gaza Strip. I further mentions that forcing all the Palestinians out of Gaza was ethnic cleansing, something that the modern US government takes a dim view of. I outright said that ethnic cleansing was unqualified evil.

The aide on the other end of the phone could only say that the congressman had no position on the question of the Palestinian population being forcibly removed from the land. This person was nice, and seemed interested in hearing my views but gave no clue if he understood my outrage. It was like engaging with an AI.

You would think the question of ethnic cleansing would be something that wouldn’t need an official position. This story takes an even more disgusting turn just minutes after I hung up.

Surfing on YouTube I found a video of my congressman on the floor of the House losing his shit over the news that Russian television was showing naked pictures of the current First Lady. It was just another episode of the bizarre and improbable nature of our current politics. Rage over the wildly accessible erotic photographs of Melania Trump but nothing on TH’s wanting to commit a crime against humanity.

I called my senators after that. All I got from both was a recorded message saying that their voice mail was full. A little research later I found out their voice mails have been full for days.

That folks is the current condition of the United States. TH won the popular vote this time and in less than a month the United States has alienated our long-time allies. Openly states that he wants to take back the Panama Canal, “buy” Greenland, and force Canada to become a state. All batshit insane actions, but they pale with the reason TH wants Gaza.

He and his son-in-law are eyeing the “property” as undeveloped beachfront land where they can build resorts, condos, and of course golf courses.

The US government has never been a beacon of fully honest government overflowing with integrity but this unforgivable.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Birthday Incident- A True Story


When your kids are small alone time for married parents is rare. When there is another small kid involved the rarity increases exponentially. So when my daughter received an invitation to her best friend’s sleepover/birthday party my wife and I realized that we were going to have a Friday night to ourselves. Because our son had been invited to spend the weekend with his best friend a few days before.

I got home Friday afternoon and my daughter, Amanda, was in her room packing her overnight bag. She was positively giddy, Kelli, her best friend had just moved into a new house after her mom remarried. My daughter had already visited the house and said Kelli’s room was amazing. She also said something about a pool and one of those fancy adventure play sets in the backyard.

Kelli and Amanda had been friends since they were babies in daycare. And my wife and I were quite comfortable with her staying with either Kelli’s mom or dad. They had divorced a couple of years before but remained friendly enough to raise a well adjusted and bright kid.

When the time came for me to take Amanda to Kelli’s house, my daughter raced to the car and had an impatient look on her face when a few moments later as I walked into the garage. She was ready to see her best friend and to be honest, I was looking forward to having some alone time with my wife. 

The one element I failed to take into consideration was that Kelli’s new step-father brought his own two daughters to the marriage he had with her mom. I didn’t see how it could have been an issue, Kelli’s mom had always treated Amanda as one of her own and I didn’t see any reason it would change. That was a bad assumption.

As I pulled onto Kelli’s new street it was easy to see which house was hers. At least a couple of dozen balloons were tied to various points on the house and bushes. Above the front door was a colorful banner saying “Birthday Girl.”

I knew there would naturally be other girls at the party but I was surprised to see the number of cars parked along the curb. It was clearly going to be a huge party and I figured kids associated with Kelli’s new stepdad were attending besides his own two daughters. 

After driving down the street to find a parking spot, I escorted my daughter up to the front door. Amanda and I were behind two other groups of parents and kids who were being greeted by Kelli’s mom as they entered. 

Lisa, Kelli’s mom, warmly welcomed the people ahead of us. Lisa was all smiles and clearly enjoying the people who were attending Kelli’s birthday. I figured she was also riding the newlywed happiness train since she and her new husband had only been married for a couple of months.

As soon as Amanda and I stepped up to the porch it all changed. Lisa’s smile and demeanor did a complete turnaround and being a caring dad my instinct was to grab my daughter and leave.

“Oh, you're here,” Lisa said in a disappointed tone that spoke volumes to me. Given the overflowing crowd it was easy for me to imagine that my daughter’s invitation had only been a courtesy. That whatever affection Lisa might have felt for my daughter had been superseded by all the additions to her family. Namely Lisa’s two new stepdaughters who were close to the same age as Kelli.

You have to understand that in my own experience it’s always safest to assume the worst in people.

The urge to grab Amanda and haul ass was overwhelming but my daughter saw her friend and was through the door before I could stop her. Lisa looked up at me with an expression I couldn’t read but I figured it was her doing the mental calculation on whether turning us away would be worth the scene it would create.

At the same time I was doing my own mental calculations on whether I could step inside, grab my daughter and get her out of a place where it was obvious she wasn’t really welcome. Glancing past Lisa, I couldn’t see my daughter anymore and figured Kelli was taking Amanda to her room.  And while I knew Lisa wanted to avoid a scene, any action by me would have been viewed much worse. 

“She’ll be fine,” Lisa said to me suddenly in a tone of resigned acceptance. She then turned away and shut the door. My wife was naturally far closer with Lisa but I had always thought she and I were on good terms. But as I walked away I hated that woman more than anyone else I had ever encountered.

After returning home I told my wife about what happened and she immediately figured I had misread the situation. Of course, that was always a possibility but even now, years later, I’m certain my assessment was correct. I’ll go as far and say Kelli more than likely wanted Amanda at her party but her mom only sent the invitation to satisfy her daughter. I can imagine there’s even a chance that Lisa insinuated to my wife during one of their talks about wanting only family at the party but she missed the hints. Yes, it has happened before. 

Naturally the rest of that night was not the happy and relaxing occasion I hoped for. I even tried to get my wife to call Lisa and say that something had come up and we needed Amanda back home. 

By Saturday afternoon, Kelli’s party moved from her new house to her real dad’s parent’s house. It was out in the boondocks and since this was before Google, took me forever to find. The house was a full-fledged Mcmansion and while my attitude was already bad it only got worse. I have little to no respect for Mcmansions but this one was a monument to gross excesses. 

The foyer was as big as a normal bedroom, complete with decorative eight-foot high molding and the ceiling itself around ten feet high. The living room, filled with high class furniture, was cordoned off with museum-grade felt covered belt barriers. And once again it had ten-foot ceilings with the same molding as the foyer. Kelli’s grandparents had at least had small statues sitting on top of the molding making some use of the totally wasted space. 

The kitchen was of course restaurant huge with commercial appliances and a massive countertop island in the middle. And the first floor bathroom, it was bigger than the master bedroom at my house and boasted two tubs and a spacious shower with a bench for two.

Yeah, there’s no sin being successful but I found the house grossly overindulgent.

I eventually found my way to the backyard and saw my daughter in the pool. She was playing in the water by herself while Kelli was playing with six other kids ignoring her. These kids turned out to be her new step-sisters and step-cousins. I learned this from Kelli’s real dad, a guy named Brad, who I noticed was doing his best to avoid looking directly at his ex-wife and her new husband. They were over by the massive gas grill watching the hot dogs and hamburgers cook while doing their best  

Brad must have seen my face as I watched my daughter attempt to interact with her friend but be generally ignored. “Yeah, I almost called you this morning.” He said while sipping a bottle of beer. 

“What do you mean?” I said, anticipating I wouldn’t like the news.

“I noticed Amanda was being left out when they arrived here this morning. And I haven’t seen Kelli spend any time with her.” Brad smiled, and said matter of factly like he was speaking about some minor observation. “Kelli has become quite enamored with the kids in her step-dad’s family and it wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t spend much time with Amanda at the sleepover.”

Here’s where I truly got pissed. While Brad and I were not buddies I considered us friendly enough that he should have called me once he noticed Amanda was being excluded. Just goddamn common courtesy because I’m sure as Hell I wouldn’t have wanted his daughter to be left alone while Amanda played with new friends.

I was done with Lisa and her new family and Brad. I didn’t give a damn anymore if I caused a scene. I walked away from Brad and over to the side of the pool my daughter was playing. The second Amanda saw me she was out of the pool running towards me. After we hugged, I asked her if she wanted to go home and I got a slight nod. Yes, she was very upset but either hadn’t said anything or was ignored.

One of the worst sins you can commit here in the South, and particularly with my wife, is to be seen as ungracious. Custom demands all guests in someone’s home must say goodbye and thank you to the host. And even lie saying you had a remarkably good time and hoped we could get together again.

That’s the way I was raised and while given my size and general demeanor you wouldn’t think I gave a damn about polite society. But I was raised to be polite and it took all my willpower to walk out of there with my daughter without following the usual custom. At least I didn’t cut back through the house on the way out but used the backyard gate leaving it open. A small act of defiance I wish had been more.

Apparently not speaking and leaving through the gate- they had a couple of small dogs in the backyard- had been noticed and Lisa called my wife while I was heading home. Normally my wife would have thought I overreacted but Amanda broke down crying when we got home explaining she had been alone from the moment she was in the house. That was enough to piss my wife off, who called Lisa back and cussed her out like I wanted to earlier. 

Lisa and Brad on separate occasions called asking if Amanda would come over and play with Kelli. The one time I answered when Lisa called the second I recognised her voice I said: “Oh it's you,” in the same disappointed tone she did to me and my daughter the night I dropped her off for the sleepover.

Yeah, I’m a petty bastard but it felt goddamn great.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Time To Admit It Might Be Over



Back In the early 1990s, I watched the PBS adaptation of the Robert Graves novel, I, Claudius. The novel and television broadcast were heavily fictionalized accounts of the last surviving member of the Juilo-Claudian dynasty.

Despite becoming the emperor of the Roman Empire in the year 41AD my man Claudius had a crappy life. Claudius suffered from a limp and mild deafness due to an illness as a child. Life for someone dealing with a handicap back during Roman times was tough, throw in the fact that Claudius was born into the family of Augustus Caesar his disabilities made him an embarrassment, which they tried to hide from the public. 

But through a weird series of events, and stupid luck, the Praetorian Guard declared him emperor after Cailgula was removed from office. But I think the most surprising thing in the life and reign of Claudius was that he was an intelligent and able administrator of the Roman Empire.

I did read the book and its sequel, Claudius the God but there was a scene in the television adaptation that I believe was written just for it that in my mind has an uncomfortably real-life parallel going on right now. 

In the PBS series, Claudius has a desire to restore the Roman Republic. But as with all such noble ideas, situations and events, like the daily governance of people and territory never allowed Claudius to achieve that goal.

Near the end of the series, Claudius knows his wife, Julia Agrippa wants her son, Nero to become emperor. Julia and Nero play the typical political influence games with the Roman senate in hopes of securing the throne. Now Claudius on the other hand wants his own son, Britannicus, to rule but at some point it becomes clear Nero will be the next emperor.

Claudius in desperation attempts to talk Britannicus into fleeing to Britain to raise an army and return to overthrow Nero. Claudius also makes a passionate speech to his son to also restore the Republic after taking power.

Poor Claudius, Britannicus completely blows him off saying that it was beneath his dignity to flee and live among the “savages” of that island. More importantly, Britannicus laughs at his father’s quaint desire to restore the republic. The young man tells his father that the Roman people like the current peace and stability and don’t want to return to the chaos in previous years. .

Claudius is disappointed, but resigns himself to the fact that he will soon die and that Nero will take over. Which in the series is what happened, Britannicus is killed and his sister, Octavia, marries her step-brother, Nero. 

After seeing the post-election polls and listening to recorded interviews from Trump voters, few Americans seem to have any deep concerns about the Tangerine Hitler’s actions since taking office. Yes, there are millions of Americans who are terrified of Trump’s authoritarian behaviors. But like the Romans Britannicus mentioned, most Americans just want cheap eggs. And after years of exaggerations and outright lies, to be rid of the millions of illegal immigrants living and working in the United States. But the scapegoating of a minority has little to do with the Romans and more with Nazi Germany. 

I’m going to make a guess and say there wasn’t a well organized pro-Nero propaganda machine back then. But I can easily see how a Roman public that still had living memories of the years of civil wars and the hardships they brought would pick stability over the cumbersome idea of freedom the imperial system provided. Americans on the other hand have become disgustingly comfortable and complacent with their affluence and immediately become insulted whenever inconvenienced.   

It isn’t just the “Hoi polloi” wanting the return of the perceived economic good-times from Trump’s first term. Huge chunks of American society have bent the knee to our wannabe fascist leader. Long established newspapers and television news outlets have cowed to Trump by sane-washing his actions. Many of these media outlets have also been quite generous with “donations” to his various organizations. Any similarity to small businesses paying protection money to mobsters is of course purely coincidental. 

Perhaps the most disturbing are the politicians that appear to be close to deifying Trump like the Romans did emperors. One Republican congressman has recently introduced an amendment to the US Constitution that would allow Trump to run for a third presidential term. Just to add more imperial icing to the decaying cake of the American republic, I saw a report where another member of congress wanted to alter the proposed third presidential term amendment so that only Trump could run but no other previous two-term president. I sincerely hope that report is false.  

Just because I want to add a little more insult to our national injury, some congresswoman is pushing to have Trump’s face added to Mt. Rushmore. The saddest part of this for me is remembering when I first read how the Romans deified their emperors. I thought of that practice as insanely primitive and stupid. Nothing that our more advanced and sophisticated American people would ever repeat.

Where things become downright depressing is how the Democratic Party, clearly understanding the danger Trump and his sycophants, does not appear to be organizing a strong resistance to the MAGA policies. Sure, a few individuals like AOC are vocally opposing Trump but the rest appear to want to keep their heads down and see if they can make deals with Tangerine Hitler.

Being honest here, I think our Republic has been mortally wounded. Trump didn’t kill it all by himself, this destruction has been a slow but relentless process. But as chance or fate would have it, Trump is the one standing over the dead body.

You don’t have to get too deep into the historical weeds to learn that the Roman Republic was greatly flawed in the best of times. But when the imperial era began Roman society quickly adapted and to the best of my knowledge never looked back. Trump may not live to see the end of his term. But the people and policies he is putting in place will alter the basic nature of our government. Rome didn’t become an empire overnight, they continued to follow the traditions and rituals of the Republic for many years after Augustus Caesar took power. 

Even if Trump died today from a Burger King Whopper-induced heart attack and stroke, his minions would just crown another emperor and proceed with their plans. Which is the protection of the current corporation-lead power structure. I am highly doubtful that there will be an honest and free presidential election in 2028. MAGA and its billionaire pals have already passed the point of no return.   

I hope like Hell I’m wrong. That when Trump dies MAGA will fizzle out and become another aspect of American history we collectively ignore like slavery. But I’m afraid we will ultimately have to do whatever it takes to wipe the slate clean and begin again.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Redemption Day (A science fiction short story)


Most people now call it Redemption Day, that moment when the entirety of the human species experienced something that defied all rational and scientific explanation. Nothing about that day makes any sense but what everyone remembers is that at 5:17pm EST on June 2nd of 2026 Jerusalem, Tehran, and seven other cities in the Middle East were hit with a nuclear attack.

At that very moment, I was in my kitchen washing dishes and listening to the live news feed on my cell phone. The talking heads doing their usual banal analysis speaking a lot of words but never saying anything significant. That’s when I heard the host scream and everything fell apart. 

The conflict that would engulf the region in nuclear fire started just like all the others in the past. Irrational ancient hatreds combined with current geopolitical “realities” had once again boiled over with the usual result of innocent civilians suffering. This time though instead of cooler heads forcing a ceasefire there was an accident at some level of the chain of command. Jerusalem and Tehran got nuked with the other cities following within minutes after. 

What side pushed the button first? The simplest answer is that no one really knows. Both Israel and Iran had been on hair trigger alert for decades. Their jets and missiles ready for launch at the first hint the other side was about to attack. But after years of searching blasted command bunkers and the ruins of radioactive cities, whatever record that existed as to who gave the order is now dust. 

Where things got weird was that at 5:18 something happened that was instantaneous no matter what part of the planet you lived on. When reality began working again it was 5:19pm on the same day with everyone finding themselves exactly where they were when the news was announced. 

The problem being that while no one had any memories of events after the attacks, the entire human race somehow knew over five years had passed. Millions around the world were unable to reconcile the reality of the days that followed June 2nd to what subconsciously they knew to be completely wrong. The reality was broken but humanity had to logical way to explain what happened.   

The worst of the panic eventually subsided, with most realizing that while something with reality had gone fundamentally wrong, life still had to go on. Especially since nine cities from Israel to Iran were still burning with millions dead and untold millions more to follow. National governments that at 5:17 were seconds away from launching their own nuclear arsenals stood down and began organizing rescue and relief efforts.

It was a drastic and for once welcome change in human behavior. But few had the opportunity to dwell on the sudden move away from global nuclear Armageddon because much of the Middle East was now radioactive molten glass. More than a year would pass before there was the barest attempt to understand Redemption Day.           

Of course, the three main monotheistic religions were quick to claim that it was their god that reset the world. That “He” was not ready for the world to end. But strangely enough, there was none of the insane, rigid certainty that usually dominated the more extreme members of the three. It was as if nearly all of their followers were suffering from a collective shock. Guilt probably played a part in their willingness to abandon notions of jihad or crusades. 

The big three had each instigated centuries of conflict that ultimately lead to the nuclear exchange. But the main reason all three went silent was the purely instinctive knowledge that something much worse had occurred and that over five years had passed before the “reset”.

That left explanations for Redemption Day to others who offered up answers that satisfied none.       

For years some had speculated that our universe could be explained as an unbelievably complex simulation on a god-like computer. That an entity or entities managing the simulation didn’t want our world to be destroyed. Of course many asked the question as to why wouldn’t such all powerful programmers push the reset back before the first two cities were destroyed?

Hundreds of others proposed their own ideas as to what happened. But they all lacked any supporting evidence. But most didn’t dwell long on finding a reason, the level of destruction was just too great. This situation began to change at 8:21am EST on October 15th, 2031. 

Within a few days of the 15th there were reports began flooding in that people around the world were now suffering from horrific dreams of events that took place between 2026 and 2031. 

No one wanted to call them memories, first because no one had a clear and total recollection of those missing years. But secondly, and the most important was that in reality none of those events and actions had ever taken place. 

The dreams all had one central feature. That minutes after the mushroom clouds erupted in the Middle East the major powers launched their strategic arsenals resulting in a global holocaust. The common factor in all of these dreams were individuals trying to survive in a nightmare world where humans had abandoned any pretense of rational and moral behavior. 

As the dreams continued numerous people committed suicide. They left notes confessing to crimes they knew they didn’t commit but were unable to deal with the guilt and shame they felt because of them. The strangest reactions came from those that weren’t suffering from the nightmares. While millions around the world had some sense of a long period of missing time, those not suffering from the graphic nightmares were mostly unaffected by the perceived reboot of reality. 

The overall situation took another surreal turn when people began to encounter someone in real life they knew from those bizarre dreams. Total strangers would see each other and feel a surge of joy and relief at being reunited with a lost loved one. While others might see an individual and suddenly lash out in bloody revenge for atrocities that happened during that missing time. 

It was a mass mental health crisis unlike anything the human race had ever endured. The only good thing was that as the weeks and months passed these events began to fade. Almost as if the subconscious feelings the dreams provoked were being overwhelmed and washed away by real memories. As fast as the crisis began people set about trying to try and move on with their lives. The explanation that those affected did their best to accept was that the missing time was just a symptom of global hysteria brought on by the nuclear exchange on June 2nd. 

I am happy for those people who in some way can sweep away or ignore their dreams. Because while I don’t remember everything that happened during those missing years, I clearly remember enough to truly understand how bad things got. The phrase “the living will envy the dead” was a sick and twisted understatement to what the survivors endured. 

Where I begin to question my sanity though is that I clearly remember who triggered the reset. It was me, I reset the world. How out of all the weary, sick, and tortured inhabitants of a ruined world I came into the position to give our sorry species a second chance, I don’t remember.

Where things become crystal clear though is that I was part of a group trying to get to some facility in Utah. The sky was grey and while it was midday, there was barely enough light to see. Dressed in salvaged coats and rags, the October cold didn’t seem to have any effect on us. We were all hungry, our bodies covered in sores and burns. We looked more like walking skeletons than living beings. 

While I can’t remember names, the group I belonged to would have died for each other. We had a goal, a reason to continue living while many of the survivors we encountered would just lay down and die. The one hope of those desperate to die was for their nightmarish lives to end before the wild dogs or feral humans reached them.

Somehow a woman in the group, her head bald from radiation and a long, unhealed scar down the left side of her face, found the energy to joke that we had to be the very last living humans on Earth that held some hope for a better tomorrow. Not one of us offered any response, humor was such an alien concept by then it was almost like she was speaking a long dead language.

A short time later a guy in our group collapsed to the ground. I saw him make an effort once to get back up but failed. I had to step over my fallen colleague to get past him. I saw that he was fully conscious but his body had reached his limit. He just gave up and was totally silent as we left him behind.

The terrain we had to cross to reach our goal was harsh before the holocaust. A bleak desert where mostly long haul truckers traveled moving goods east and west. A few scattered towns could be found along the way, their chief reason for existence being the truck stops that offered rest and refueling to tired drivers.

At that moment during the missing time black radioactive soot fell from the sky. We all knew that mixed in that ash were the remains of millions of people who had been incinerated in the nuclear blasts. During our journey in this hellscape, I remember we would see huge piles of bones, all picked clean. It was the ultimate symbol in the fall and disgrace of the human race.

While civilization was utterly destroyed the day of the holocaust, humans were still social animals that needed the minimum of food and water to survive. Barely a month after the nukes fell and while fallout still rained down, the feral groups began to appear.

They moved like wolf packs devouring any supplies they found and when they were exhausted, they became cannibals. Any survivors they encountered would be consumed. Of course, the ferals were male-dominated and attractive and uninjured women would sometimes be offered membership in the group. But unless a male had a critical skill the group could use, all husbands, boyfriends, fathers, brothers would end up cooked up on an open spit. There were absolutely no exceptions when it came to children.

Somehow my group made it to the facility we were trying to find. That morning the group was down to three individuals, and none of us had more than a day left before we would succumb to all the conditions brought on by the holocaust.

The fence surrounding the facility had already been thankfully torn down. We would not have been able to climb over what had been a ten-foot fence topped with razor wire. Crossing over it, I happened to glance down and see a sign that said something about it being an agricultural research station.

Somehow we knew which of the twenty or so cinder block buildings was our goal. Like some adventure movie, we walked into one of them finding a door leading down to a tunnel. My companions and I at this point did something very dangerous, we began to entertain hope.

The underground complex we found was a maze and it took hours searching for something that was supposed to save the world. The two others in my group, exhausted and by now delirious, found medical stretchers in a lab, crawled on top of them and went to sleep. They both promised me they would begin searching again after a period of rest. We all knew that was a lie, they would never leave that lab.

I have no idea what pushed me, but I continued still not having any idea what I was looking for. Through the exhaustion and despair, I had enough energy to feel like an utter fool. The world had ended and humanity was on the fast track to extinction. And here I was spending my last few hours of life and a post-doomsday wild goose chase.

About to give up, that’s when I felt the vibration. The complex still had enough power to provide emergency lighting so I pushed deeper into the maze. Curiosity and that spark of stupid hope giving me the will not to fall to the concrete floor and die. The tunnels were actually warm, so much that I had to shed my coat and some of the rags I was wearing.

I traced the vibration to another room, clearly a laboratory filled with complex devices that defied any explanation. In the center of that room was a square glass display case with what looked like a metal sphere about the size of a volleyball floating in the middle of the cube. Traces of light ran along the surface of the sphere. The patterns looking similar to blood vessels on the human body. Which I somehow knew to be signs of conscious thought. I also knew deep down that this thing was scanning my mind.

It saw all the horrendous things I had done in the five years since the holocaust. Shame and guilt had died that day with me determined to live, but I felt those emotions again. As this happened I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the display case glass. My face was scared, and under the remaining rags I wore I saw tattoo marks on my arm. They were marks that ferals wore to signify the number of people they had butchered for their group. I saw at least thirty, and somehow even now I remember the faces of each of those men, women, and children.

What I don’t remember is what caused me to abandon the cannibals and join the group looking for the facility. Because if you became a feral, they would never let you leave. Those that tried ended up on the spit. Few ever attempted because by the time a person became a feral they had become so debased that the bloody rituals and abandonment of individual thought and reason was a welcome release from the waking nightmare.

But the strange artifact forgave me. It told me that it was almost as old as the universe itself and that human barbarity, while terrible, couldn't compare to what it had seen over the eons. And in a way that surpassed all the other bizarre and unspeakable events since June 2nd in that reality, the sphere sang to me. The music was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. No human could ever create something so profound. The sphere could have been an angel for all I knew.

For most of my life I had never believed in a human soul. But as the sphere roamed around in the dark and terrible places in my mind, it found the broken pieces and stitched them back together.

With my mind and spirit somewhat mended, I began begging the sphere to help humanity. The thought was barely formed when I found myself back home knowing it was 5:19pm EST on June 2nd, 2026.

I was laying on my kitchen floor listening to the people on the news feed now asking each other what the hell happened. News of the nuclear exchange now superseded by something exponentially stranger.

The thing that scared me the most was that my body felt normal. I rushed to the bathroom to look in the mirror and all I saw was a person healthy with no scars or burns. The memories of the missing time were fading fast with the pieces not returning until October. But before they left completely, I looked down at my right forearm expecting to see something that somehow would make me a monster. 

I can’t describe the feeling of looking down at my forearm, and as expected, finding nothing.


Ten years have passed since Redemption Day, and despite everything the human race endured and experienced, the world is again slowly moving back towards the nuclear abyss. It’s human nature I guess, we’re a fatally flawed species that on some level wants extinction.

I never offered my story to any of the chroniclers that universities and governments dispatched to try and figure out what happened. Frankly, there are already Missing Time Deniers who say the dreams were nothing but a global mass hysteria brought on by the nuclear war between Israel and Iran.

I also went into hiding after reading stories about individuals seeing someone from their missing time dreams and taking revenge. The faces of the thirty individuals I slaughtered while I was a feral have never left me. Call me a coward and self-serving, but I was the reason the world reset and was given a second chance. I want to enjoy the life I have because I understand how badly things can get.

But curiosity did eventually get the best of me, and I traveled to the site where the sphere was kept. I wanted to see if I felt its presence. You dear reader can’t imagine my surprise having arrived at the exact site where the station existed in the missing time and finding nothing. There was nothing to suggest that any facility or building ever existed on that site. For as far as my eyes could see it was all flat, empty desert.

That brings me to the sphere itself. What was it? Alien being or alien device? Or did the sphere come from someplace other than the universe we understand. The one thing I know for certain, it was not of human origin. The music it sang to me to restore my humanity could never have been produced by us naked, insane primates. What then? Supernatural, I have no idea. 

The one thing I’m sure of is that it is gone and if humans have a second holocaust we’ll be completely on our own.