Several years ago an otherwise
reasonable person I know came running up to me clutching papers that
he said, “proved President Obama was Muslim.” I have long since
learned that there are people who cannot speak rationally on certain
subjects, with this individual being a prime example. So, I did my
usual shtick by making some disinterested and noncommittal remark
while trying my best to walk away. This person wouldn't have it, not
only was he going to prove Obama was a Muslim but that his health
care plan was going to enslave us all under some type of Islamic
Had conditions been perfect, quite
frankly I would have told this person where he could shove the papers
he held in his hand that I assumed contained this earth shattering
information. But unfortunately, given the circumstances I couldn't,
while idiocy has almost a free reign this days rational thought
doesn't, much to the detriment to us all. So this guy handed me this
printout from a website, which will go unnamed, and I read the
article that claimed that some diligent guardian of Christian
American liberty had read the entire Obamacare bill and found that an
Arabic word for “slave” or “infidel” or a combination of both
had been inserted into the complex legislation.
On the face of it, the claim that an
Arabic word for some type of slave being in a bill whose sole purpose
was to provide healthcare to millions who otherwise couldn't afford
it was lunacy. That its insertion meant a vast conspiracy was being
perpetrated on an unsuspecting public which would result in some sort
of horrendous overthrow of the American Republic was so bizarre that
it was beyond sad and starting delving into the realm of the darkly
humorous. Sort of like the idea of having a delusional and narcissistic real
estate developer/reality television star successfully run for the
presidency of the United States.
Long story short, the article about the
Arabic word was fake news. I'll give the obviously radical partisan
who created this fiction credit, if I remember correctly he listed a
page number, paragraph, and section where this word was suppose to
reside with such other insidious things like Sarah Palin's government
death panels and the eventual socialistic takeover of the entire
American medical infrastructure.
What really troubled me most of all was
the near rapturous look on the individual's face who was presenting
me with this blatant propaganda. Given that I had already known this
person for a couple of years, I easily understood his worldview was
so askew that God himself could come down to Earth and personally
tell him the article was bullshit and I know he would have rejected
that holy information. Since that time things have only degraded
further, a terrifying thought given that the foundations of democracy
rest on certain items that are beyond debate. Words like “Truthiness”
and “alternate facts” are now a mainstay of discourse in the
United States, abstract terms that either describe the muddied state
of affairs in both the media and politics or outright lies told to
hide the truth.
For reasons I can't quite understand
the American Press has taken the brunt of the blame for the Truth
becoming so difficult to discern from the massive amounts of crap
daily uploaded on the internet and broadcast on television.
Absolutely, they bare a share of the blame for this situation, mainly
because understanding and debate has taken a backseat to ratings and
commercial profitability. The Corporate suits sitting up in their
plush offices have long since figured out that they make more money
by broadcasting and publishing stories involving celebrities than
producing hard hitting documentaries that expose uncomfortable
aspects of our society.
All that being said though, from my
observations the biggest problem with political propaganda and
conspiracies flooding the country comes from a public that simply
doesn't want to hear anything that violates the way they look on the
world. Adding to this problem is that the average American attention
span is woefully short, and since most of the problems we face are
exponentially nuanced to the point many experts find the situation
difficult and you have a recipe for disaster on many fronts. The
general idea being that as long as the blue collar, Joe Sixpack and
the middle class, Sally Suburbanite are fat and happy, they really
don't care much about what happens to other less fortunate folks.
They have their own struggles and as long as they have ESPN and Real
Housewives to watch the rest of the planet can go to hell. Sorry
starving kids in Africa or war torn places like Syria, you might get
a token donation to a charity but as for really solving the problem
most Americans don't give a rip about our own people in Flint,
Michigan who had massive amounts of lead contaminate their drinking
The final assault on Truth and
rational discourse comes from those who purposely use disinformation
to advance their own agenda. This ranges from governments to
politicians, to individuals who just want a few sick kicks despite
the fact it harms the institutions they supposedly love. This also
goes for people who lean towards news outlets that broadcast stories
that fit their already preconceived notions. No, I'm not talking
about right-wing nuts on this one, I stopped listening to a very
progressive podcast because one of the hosts, a male blowhard that
would shame the average Fox News announcer because he loves the sound
of his own voice that much draws his information from RT, a Russian government-owned propaganda site. Yes dear folks, there is nearly as much
liberal-based fake news as there is radical right-wing nut stuff. The
right-wingers just have a more active base since most liberals will
not even find time to vote much less take time away from their
personal pursuits like finding the best latte and standing in line to
buy the newest iPhone.
A free and open society is a tough
thing to maintain. It takes active participation by everyone from
across the entire political spectrum. More importantly, all these
people need to be open and honest with themselves about the drawbacks
of their personal political beliefs. Yes, I am a liberal but that
means my own views are not the alpha and omega on how the world
should run. Government is not the answer to all problems, that being
said while capitalism is better economic system it readily eats the
poor and inconvenient. This covers everything from how a
capitalistic-dominated view of government is unable to maintain basic
infrastructure like roads since that requires taxes, which might have
to be raised occasionally. To the blatant and shortsighted ignoring
of science which clearly spells out humans are causing climate change
because of our burning of fossil fuels.
This requires that we get our
information from an unfettered Free Press that will do their best to
provide the uncolored facts. No reporters are not perfect, they make terrible mistakes at
times but reality is like that. Little note to those who scoff,
everyone makes mistakes, and the press has a much higher rate of
catching these mistakes as compared to business type and certainly
government officials. Last night the White House Corespondents dinner
was held, absent Trump who has the ability to dish out unfounded and
bizarre criticism to others but reacts like a petulant little bitch
when it is given to him. The following video is of Hasan Minhaj, a
correspondent for the Daily Show. His speech is both funny and
strikingly pertinent given the current situation we find ourselves.