Viruses are slimy little shits. Little balls of protein wrapped around just enough DNA so when they hijack some other innocent cell by injecting their DNA into the nucleus they can reproduce themselves. It sort of microbiological rape. But anyway, the kids brought home yet another virus from school which passed from my son Darth Spoilboy to my daughter Miss Wiggles and now to me. Dragonwife wasn't infected leading me to assume this virus only infects warm blooded animals. If I disappear after this post and you never hear from me again she will have seen that last sentence or one of my kids will have sold me out.
So when the bug hit me Thursday night I got chills, a slight cough, dizziness when I got up from sitting or laying down, and body aches. Made it through Friday at work by hiding in the shop laying next to a surgical table that I had the base cover off. A nearby flashlight, multimeter, and screwdriver made it look like I was doing something if the odd co-worker happen to stick their head inside. Once the door squeaked as it was opened I quickly grabbed my screwdriver and made like I was busy.
I've been chugging the Ny-Quil to get at least some rest but the dreams have been freaky. Last night I dreamed that Romney and Palin were up in a tree kissing with the "First Dude" hovering nearby looking over her shoulder. Bush and McCain were down below both dressed as Carmen Miranda doing the tango. Didn't rest good that night and may hit the tequila tonight just to avoid their next performance.
get well soon...
i have one asnwer to all probs...
rum !!
There have been some nasty bugs going around this year. Take good care. Heal.
Come on, BB,
Where's that southern gentleman I've come to know and love?
Dragonwife wasn't infected leading me to assume this virus only infects warm blooded animals.
Did you know this when you married her, or was that the attraction?
heh heh
Get well soon.
Love ya!
Massive Vitamin C doses and chicken soup (as much as you can drink) work wonders.
007: Rum would help, I want to write some tonight but typing is still hell.
Joan: If one of those bugs is around this year I'm sure to catch it. I have years were I never get sick and others were I feel like poop all the time.
Suzan: Excuse the attempt at marital humor. She was just a few feet behind me when I wrote it and earlier she had said to "cowboy up" as I lay on the floor watching the ceiling spin. We often have interesting conversations about the male/female pain and discomfort threshold. As you can guess she figures you gals take the prize with having to give birth. While never being the sharpest knife in the drawer I'm smart enough not to debate it.
Been slurping chicken soup and orange juice all day. Felt well enough to take my daughter to the park this afternoon. Bad idea, climbed onto the couch when we got back.
Hope you're feeling better soon! And thanks for stopping by my blog!
If you've got coverage, see a doctor. Drugs, good drugs, ASAP
Dr. Solomon
dont let that virus anywhere near NY - i dont want palin dreams or romney ones
Amy: Enjoyed reading it, will drop by often.
Sara: I'll skip the doctor this time. Tequila is keeping the Carmen Miranda dreams away.
DCap: Palin is bad enough in the news, having her in my dreams scared the hell out of me.
o nos get well soon BB!
**Last night I dreamed that Romney and Palin were up in a tree kissing with the "First Dude" hovering nearby looking over her shoulder
LOL wasnt Mr.Obama in the scene?
Keshi: No. had the president shown up it would have been a good dream. Had the First Lady shown up it would have been a great dream.
r ya serious LOL! I mean d u hv a crush on her? :)
Your last paragraph frightens me to no end. You might want to switch from NyQuil to, say, opium.
It wasn't a dream.
Hope you're feeling better by now, but, um, are you saying that John McCain *doesn't* dress up like Carmen Miranda?
I'm sure I saw a video on YouTube where he did...
holy crap, which is worse the virus or those freaky nightmares?
Keshi: Oh yeah, the First Lady is hot.
Randal: Tequila did okay, although I still shiver when I think of McCain dressed like Carmen Miranda.
Malicious Intent: Seeing the dancing Carmen Mirandas only freaked me out. Anything with Romney and Palin in the mix makes me think Doomsday is close at hand.
Colonel: Can't seem to shake the bug, but I would love to see someone alter a picture of the two I mentioned wearing Carmen's fruit hat.
Lime: As of last night, the virus. Had a category 4 headache that almost had me going to the emergency room. Thank God, for that old bottle of prescription Tylenol.
ok then BB ;-)
I believe Obama is hotter haha!
o I almost forgot to say what I came here for.
I dreamt of Obama last nite and he was shaking hands with me, and asking abt my work etc. And guess what i told him! guess??
I said Im not a journalist but I hv a huge blog!!! *lol*
Don't you have some access to medical care at your place of work Beach? After all you do work at a hospital don't you? Fun read....
MadMike: I skipped the doctor this time. It was a virus and all she would have told me to do was rest, drink lots of non-alcoholic fluids, and take over the counter stuff to relieve the symptoms.
Although on the other hand, my doctor is gorgeous with nice long legs, perky boobs, and a face that would put Helen of Troy to shame.
What? You think my doc would be a guy?
Great post....
really informative...
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