Raw Story notes that even “under Congressional subpoena,” Karl Rove is finding “a little time for rest and relaxation,” going on a hunting trip in South Texas where he “fired off a few updates on Twitter.” One user joked that it was good Cheney wasn’t along for the ride, although Rove actually said that he wished he had been:
@tomatcc: “ALL CLEAR!” Dick’s in Wyoming. 8:45 AM yesterday
@KarlRove: You’re correct—unfortunately Cheney’s not here. But, I look forward to my next hunt with him. #TCOT #SGP 9:54 AM yesterday
Fox News’s Chris Wallace and the Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes accompanied Rove, who also posted a “Twitpic” of Barnes with shotgun in one hand and dead bird in the other. Rove said Barnes hit “two out of a covey.”
I guess Cheney's back was still hurting from lifting those boxes last month when he couldn't stand during President Obama's inauguration. But on second thought if Cheney could easily shoot a "friend" in the face what would he do with this crowd?
Excuse me if I get all preachy but there is another issue here for me. I fully realize that not everyone is cut out for the military. As much as the recruiting advertisements might like to suggest at times that serving is a great job, it is not. Serving in the military is a very difficult lifestyle that stresses the strongest of individuals and can easily destroy the best marriages.
But I find it bizarre as Hell when non-serving chickenhawks, both in the public eye and private life, go around carrying weapons acting like the mighty hunter, Rambos expecting doomsday with an AR-15 in the closet, or as armchair generals who after hours of watching the Military Channel while munching on pork rinds figure they could have any war wrapped up in days . It has been my experience that at best these people offer only stale platitudes to those men and women who for some reason actually signed their name and raised their right hand to defend this country.
As for the rich and powerful, college deferments or in the past a convenient rearrangement of National Guard waiting lists allowed them to sit out the wars they now so eagerly rushed others off to fight in. As for the Rambos sitting at home with an assault weapon nearby and the armchair generals who just can't understand why some have misgivings about torture I've heard many an excuse as to why they ain't out chasing down bin Laden themselves. Except for the odd individual with a legitimate reason for not joining all the others are a laugh riot.
Funny that I just saw this on Olbermann this evening, got on twitter and became a follower so I can fuck with him. I'm begging others to follow him as well so we can let him know how we feel about all the groovy things he and he boss perpetrated and that we're looking forward to seeing he and Bush on trial at the Haigue charged with crimes against humanity and executed. and then I came here. We are all over it. Fist Bump!
hi bro..
liked the post
Issue number two. Is Dick Cheney a deadly human or the deadliest human?
Did you all see that Conyers got all sterny a third time with KKKarl? What a spineless bunch of hacks.
Utah: There is something about Karl that to me screams both the character Jabba the Hut from Star Wars and Joseph Goebbels. My only concern is that Jabba will be insulted with my comparison.
I must admit there is another issue here. I fully realize not everyone is cut out for the military so please understand what I'm about to write. But I find it bizarre as hell when lowlife chickenhawks carry weapons. For people who at best only offer stale platitudes to those who actually go out and fight the wars that the chickehawks get us into to see Karl carry a gun seems surreal. Oh yeah, fist bump back at you.
oo7: How's things on your side of the world?
Randal: I'll go with the former, although calling Cheney human is a real stretch.
Yeah Conyers needs to smack that bastard down.
Hubby got the movie "W" the other night. I got about half way through it because I was so disgusted and I guess didn't want to relive history and a lot of the characters were spot on...if for the very least them looking like the characters they played.
BTW BB - that post header is brilliant. I'm still saying it out loud - it's like a character name from one of those bizarre martial arts movies - "Twittering Turd blossom" hear no evil etc. Most excellent!
yeah its always easier said than done isnt it!
btw BB did u know Im a mum now? Surprised? go read my previous post hehe...
Malicious Intent: I can't watch W. for the same reason. The Bush Apocalypse is still not over with him leaving the country in such a mess. My biggest fear for President Obama is that no matter what he does he may be overwhelmed with the task before him.
Beach Bum: I wish that was the case. As far as I'm concerned Rove is an infection on America that is spreading and may be fatal.
Keshi: Your a mom? I'll be right there.
aww ty for comin ard and leaving that heartfelt comment...BB, with u I always feel UNDERSTOOD.
TY for being u!
I just want Rove in prison orange....thats all! ;p
Dusty: Having Rove dropped into the middle of Baghdad wearing nothing but a sign saying "I love George Bush" would work as well.
I don't think our new president will be overwhelmed Beach. His predecessor, on the other hand, could get lost in his underwear drawer.
As to Rove et al, I no longer think about them. I was able to watch "W" quite comfortably because I saw it after the election and knew that those dark days are history. President Obama, I suspect, will have no trouble keeping his eye on the ball.
MadMike: I still have great faith and trust in President Obama but Murphy (as in Murphy's Law) can be a huge bitch.
Murphy can be a colossus indeed BB!!! I saw alot of him when I was in the Army, not so much in the real world, but occasionally nonetheless.
MadMike: I see Murphy on a daily basis both at work and home. Just today at work we received a $150.00 temperature probe that measures water temperature in a holding tank for a washer sterilizer. Went to install it and found that it wouldn't fit even though I ordered the part through the manufacturer after referencing the serial number of the washer with them.
Called the company back and explained what had happened. After several minutes they figured out that the part number they gave me was right its just they didn't tell me the part was an upgrade and that I needed an adapter kit to install it. The adapter kit costs $500. So I'm having to order the adapter kit after telling my boss that all I needed was the probe and the unit will be down for several more days.
Yup! You sure met Murphy on that one BB!
Twitter.... is a great topic...
thanks for sharing....
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