No joke: South Carolina now requires ’subversives’ to register
Five-dollar registration fee for persons planning to overthrow US government
The state's "Subversive Activities Registration Act," passed last year and now officially on the books, states that "every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States ... shall register with the Secretary of State."
There's even a $5 filing fee.
A PDF of the registration form can be found here, courtesy of FitsNews.Honestly y'all there are days when I believe that we live in some alternate timeline where someone like Marty McFly has gone back in time and changed some pivotal incident resulting in a series of cascading events of ever increasing suckage. Now understand not everyone in this state is a complete fool, although it must seem like that at times. Many of us one eyed people living in the kingdom of the blind do speak amongst ourselves of the various absurdities that erupt from South Carolina on a far too regular basis that send the rest of the nation and world into belly laughs. Except that all we can do is sadly shake our heads and wonder how the inmates continue to control the asylum.
I don't even know what to say! :P
That is just ummmm.. nuts!
Did they really expect subversives plotting overthrow the US of A or South Carolina for that matter to register?
A bit strange.
Beach!How can you stand it there man?
Trying to think of something funny and witty to say but just can't top the truth in this case. Dang.
OK how's this-if the overthrow fails do they get their 5.00 back?
Sunshine: Well I hope not, I mailed my $5.00 in a couple of days ago. I hope my permit doesn't get lost in the mail.
Hill: Strange? To paraphrase: Thy name is South Carolina.
Oso: All the world may be a stage but South Carolina is a cartoon. And good question about getting my $5.00 back.
So, the State that gave us, Joe Wilson; Jim DeMint; Lindsay Graham; Mark Sandford and my wife's nephew, strikes again.
Holte: Come on now, lets not leave the Lt. Governor André Bauer out of that list. Although his antics are not well known out of the state. Trust me, he is a major fuck up waiting to happen.
If every state and government in the world took the same action, just think how much money they would make. We'd be out of the recession in no time. ;-)
LOL LOL! You are kidding right Beach?? Then again, as a fellow resident of the Deep South I suspect you are not!! Great pic by the way.
So if a terrorist org wants to be a lawful terrorist org, all they've got to do is to register in SC?
Personally, I think you just make this shit up, Beach. But Trophy Wife says it would be worth $5 to register as Geo W. Bush!
Not fair. The Governor didn't have to register his plans to penetrate Argentine territory.
David: No doubt, especially here in South Carolina. We are literally overrun by splinter groups of one form or the other. My favorite is something called "Christian Exodus" which seeks to draw "right thinking" Bible folks to South Carolina and then have the state break away from the Union. The funny thing is that they apparently all moved to the Charleston area which is the most liberal and since their group is so small been engulfed. They are still around but meaningless.
Madmike: I wish I could make this up, and I hope they don't lose my $5.00.
Angry Princess: Yep, that about sums up what passes as logic for my state. Welcome and come again!
Vigil: When I get my card stating I'm a officially recognized subversive I'll tell you if its okay.
Stimpson: LOL!!!! Stimpson the one difference he did that for love. I expect the good governor will rush back down South once he is out of office. At least that is teh scuttlebutt.
Dude, I love your state. It's a neverending circus sideshow of political lunacy. Does that make Sanford the bearded lady?
It passed the legislature with 100% of the vote no doubt. God forbid any of them vote based on common sense when fear and stupiduty are much easier to campaign on.
LOL, Beach!!
I guess that means ChickenHawk Cheney can't move to SC!
I'm tempted to register, just for shits and giggles :)
Randal: Its a Disney World of strangeness. Sanford the bearded lady? Mark no, his soon to be ex-wife Jenna yeah. Truth be told it leaking out from her book and other sources Mark's out of office activities is nothing new. Its fairly common knowledge that their relationship was mostly a power thing for them both. Mark wanted to be POTUS and Jenna wanted the perks that went along with his political ambitions.
Truth 101: Well with South Carolina being at the bottom of so many lists like education and infrastructure they have to do something-anything-to look like they are actually tackling problems.
Tomcat: Maybe, but we do have a bunch of people with fallout shelters that Cheney could use for undisclosed locations.
Beekeeper: I sent my $5.00 in Friday.
Did you really?
Brilliant. FINALLY a solution that is sure to be effective in stopping terrorism YAYYYYYYYYYYYY
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