"Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works."
Carl Sagan
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Damn it Jim, its a new Star Trek movie.
Holy warp drive, phasers, and antimatter! The Hollywood establishment might have made a Star Trek movie that may actually be worth the eight dollar ticket. Getting seriously Trek nerdy here but for years I lived off the adventures of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scotty. Rerun after freaking rerun I gladly watched Kirk bag the hot alien chick, Spock deal with his interstellar mother issues, McCoy tell everyone time and time again that he was a doctor damn it, and Scotty rig up the warp drive like a Christmas tree to get just a little more warp power. Of course I lusted after Uhura like you wouldn't believe, but I just will not go into that.
Then Roddenberry had to bring in the Next Generation crew and while they were good for a few laughs I just couldn't feel the same about them since Picard had to have a staff meeting to discuss implications for the Federation if he took a crap while on patrol next the neutral zone, and turning over the Enterprise to Riker was sure fire way to get the ship blown up or at least taken over by hostile aliens. I swear there were times I wished Worf would have gone all Klingon on them sometimes. Especially after the last three Next Generation movies that frankly I wish someone could tell me didn't seriously suck on all counts. And don't get me started on Wesley Crusher, if that character wasn't a reason to root for the Borg to collectivize the whole lot then I'm a primate's uncle.
For those wondering no, I do not have a stash of Star Trek toys, I got rid of them a few years ago but I do still have my plastic Vulcan ears. Long live and prosper, y'all.
Rose: Yeah, I felt the same way about DS9. Picard always left me flat and boring. But Sisko had the character of Picard's authority but yet had Kirk's cowboy attitude at lot of the time. And as far as Simon Pegg is concerned I can't think of anyone better who could fill James Doohan's shoes.
DCap: Down here a evening show runs about eight dollars. But I may be in the delta quadrant, I've always felt republicans had a lot in common with the Borg. But Ann Coulter would eat the Borg queen alive.
Rose: Never cared for that show for several reasons. Nor any of the other characters except for maybe Tuvok. But then again I have to admit I liked Star Trek: Enterprise a lot which seems to upset the hardcore Trekkies.
Lime: I didn't think I'd find another movie that would have me on edge waiting for it to come out. Yeah, I still have my ears and to be honest my youngest brother has his plastic phaser. Being even more honest both he and I went to a Star Trek convention back in the 90's and saw James Doohan speak. Got him to autograph a picture which cost thirty bucks. I'll have to write about that since fat Elvis was there as will, long story.
You know what bugged me the most about ST:TNG? That season one episode with the eerie parasites infiltrating Starfleet. Why the hell didn't they bring them back instead of the Borg 752 times?
Randal: I completely agree, the Borg thing was run cleanly into the ground. Then again the writers of Star Trek:TNG did their very best to kill the golden goose with on average rather weak stories. A decent Sci-fi writer has the entire universe to play in and can readily ignore Einstein's speed limit. The parasites should have been explored and to my dying day I think one of the Star Trek:TNG movies should have tied in with DS9 and had a Dominion War blow out.
I agree with the comments concerning the Borg. I think TNG just "Borged" us all to borgdom. Like Beach I am really looking forward to the new movie's release. I heard Shatner interviewed on Howard Stern the other day and he is NOT happy that he is not part of the cast.
I want to see this one. There's no way I'm missing it. Yes, DeForrest Kelly died. That's a bummer because I really liked Bones. but it looks cool so far.
I agree with you about The Next Generation. I liked it, but just wasn't as cool. Picard could neither throw a punch nor score with an alien chick. Two strikes against him. And Data was no Spock.
Oh, but that ship's counselor though - she did give Uhura a run for her money. Something about a woman who can read minds both scares me and intrigues me at the same time.
MadMike: This is a post yet to be written but my brother and I went to a Star Trek convention in Columbia, South Carolina one time around 1995 or 1996. James Doohan was there speaking but before he came out his agent spoke first and said something to the effect that NO ONE should ask any questions about Bill Shatner, that all of us would have a better time if Shatner was never mentioned. Sure enough the third or fourth person had to ask what James Doohann thought of Captain Kirk. Mr. Doohann thought for a moment then said that he liked the character of Captain Kirk but thought Shatner was an a-hole.
Learned a lot about the man who played Scotty and came away liking him even more. Got his autograph on a picture and when he passed away I felt bad.
ZombieSlayer: Yeah, the ship's counselor was hot. Going back to that Star Trek convention I went to in the 90's a bunch of people were selling Start Trek products. There was some seriously nerdy and very expensive Starfleet uniforms, starship models so expensive I could have bought a car with the same funds in the 70's, and one said example that had me shaking my head. Someone was selling the video of some B-movie in which the lady who played Deanna Troi went topless. Now this movie wasn't sci-fi, and had nothing to do with Star Trek it just had her running around without a shirt or bra. NO, I did not buy it but talked with the guy selling it and if there ever was a sterotype of someone living with his mother while playing D and D in the basement next stacks of sticky Playboys it was this guy.
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i too can't wait! simon pegg as scotty. wow.....
oh, and it took me a while but ds9 FINALLY grew on me. i ended up loving that star trek series the most
where do you see a movie for 8 dollars? only in the delta quadrant with Capt Janeway i assume
i tried my very best but i never developed a relationship with janeway. i do NOT like her. nor will i ever
Rose: Yeah, I felt the same way about DS9. Picard always left me flat and boring. But Sisko had the character of Picard's authority but yet had Kirk's cowboy attitude at lot of the time.
And as far as Simon Pegg is concerned I can't think of anyone better who could fill James Doohan's shoes.
DCap: Down here a evening show runs about eight dollars. But I may be in the delta quadrant, I've always felt republicans had a lot in common with the Borg. But Ann Coulter would eat the Borg queen alive.
Rose: Never cared for that show for several reasons. Nor any of the other characters except for maybe Tuvok. But then again I have to admit I liked Star Trek: Enterprise a lot which seems to upset the hardcore Trekkies.
well, i guess for the first time since the last trek movie was released my husband will be willing to go to the movies.
yeah, he's a trek geek too, but he doesn't have a set of false ears.
Lime: I didn't think I'd find another movie that would have me on edge waiting for it to come out. Yeah, I still have my ears and to be honest my youngest brother has his plastic phaser.
Being even more honest both he and I went to a Star Trek convention back in the 90's and saw James Doohan speak. Got him to autograph a picture which cost thirty bucks. I'll have to write about that since fat Elvis was there as will, long story.
You know what bugged me the most about ST:TNG? That season one episode with the eerie parasites infiltrating Starfleet. Why the hell didn't they bring them back instead of the Borg 752 times?
Randal: I completely agree, the Borg thing was run cleanly into the ground. Then again the writers of Star Trek:TNG did their very best to kill the golden goose with on average rather weak stories. A decent Sci-fi writer has the entire universe to play in and can readily ignore Einstein's speed limit. The parasites should have been explored and to my dying day I think one of the Star Trek:TNG movies should have tied in with DS9 and had a Dominion War blow out.
I agree with the comments concerning the Borg. I think TNG just "Borged" us all to borgdom. Like Beach I am really looking forward to the new movie's release. I heard Shatner interviewed on Howard Stern the other day and he is NOT happy that he is not part of the cast.
I want to see this one. There's no way I'm missing it. Yes, DeForrest Kelly died. That's a bummer because I really liked Bones. but it looks cool so far.
I agree with you about The Next Generation. I liked it, but just wasn't as cool. Picard could neither throw a punch nor score with an alien chick. Two strikes against him. And Data was no Spock.
Oh, but that ship's counselor though - she did give Uhura a run for her money. Something about a woman who can read minds both scares me and intrigues me at the same time.
MadMike: This is a post yet to be written but my brother and I went to a Star Trek convention in Columbia, South Carolina one time around 1995 or 1996. James Doohan was there speaking but before he came out his agent spoke first and said something to the effect that NO ONE should ask any questions about Bill Shatner, that all of us would have a better time if Shatner was never mentioned.
Sure enough the third or fourth person had to ask what James Doohann thought of Captain Kirk. Mr. Doohann thought for a moment then said that he liked the character of Captain Kirk but thought Shatner was an a-hole.
Learned a lot about the man who played Scotty and came away liking him even more. Got his autograph on a picture and when he passed away I felt bad.
ZombieSlayer: Yeah, the ship's counselor was hot. Going back to that Star Trek convention I went to in the 90's a bunch of people were selling Start Trek products. There was some seriously nerdy and very expensive Starfleet uniforms, starship models so expensive I could have bought a car with the same funds in the 70's, and one said example that had me shaking my head.
Someone was selling the video of some B-movie in which the lady who played Deanna Troi went topless. Now this movie wasn't sci-fi, and had nothing to do with Star Trek it just had her running around without a shirt or bra. NO, I did not buy it but talked with the guy selling it and if there ever was a sterotype of someone living with his mother while playing D and D in the basement next stacks of sticky Playboys it was this guy.
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