Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Going to a wedding....seriously.

Time has finally come to load up the family in the starship and make our way to my brother-in-law's wedding. Dragonwife is still having doubts whether her brother's fiancée will actually go through with it and not run off screaming into the night. But be that as it may since it will be on the beach we are still going no matter what, a bad rainy day at the beach (even amongst in-laws) sure as Hell beats a sunny day hanging around the house. We will be at some place in Virginia called Sandbridge. If by chance anyone is close by come on down and look for the tall goofy guy wearing the Buffett ”Air Margaritaville" hat and crash the parties. For an explanation of what is about to happen see this post about Miss Wiggles.

On a different note I’ve been having some technical difficulties with my internet connection which has literally kicked me off as I was trying to read posts or make comments. It has gotten to the point that the last couple nights I spent more time waiting for it to reconnect than actually participating on other blogs. Called technical support and they wanted me to burn some incense, dance the hokey-pokey naked, and sacrifice a chicken to the server and mainframe spirits, but didn’t have time to do all that even though I do happen to blog naked. What can I say? Its keeps Darth Spoilboy from bringing friends up to the family room and playing that damn "Guitar Hero". But as far as appeasing techincal support, the incense we had smelled like poop and I didn’t have time to get an actual live chicken. So, when we return late Sunday I’ll have to try it again. Have a good weekend and once again if anyone is in Sandbridge find the goofy tall guy and say hi.


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

OH! I love guitar hero.
Have a great time away! Can't wait for the report when you return.

rainboy said...

njoy man...waiting for the next post :D

u blog man? are u serious?

lime said...

listen, when you sacrifice the ckicken you have to catch the blood, save it until full moon and sprinkle it over your great grandmother's grave. the whole thing breaks down if you forget that part.

have fun at the beach wedding.

Randal Graves said...

Just get a bucket of chicken. It worked in Major League. The Indians' won the pennant! Enjoy the free food. ;-)

Mike said...

You don't by chance have AT&T do you? I have been having major issues for about 2 weeks now and can't seem to get them resolved. I constantly get booted and then sometimes I can't get back on. Driving me insane.

Keshi said...

make sure u take ur brollie ;-)


Connecticut Man1 said...

Enjoy your weekend and good luck to the newlyweds!

Distributorcap said...

i have been having major issues as well.... i think it is time warner, it is always time warner

have fun at the wedding....... dont throw the cake at the bride or groom

Vigilante said...

Nothing can go wrong on the day when the Dodgers clinch the Pennant. (Er- Western Division.)

Anonymous said...

Hey Beach -- have fun (wish brother in law great things!) and hope Miss Wiggles enjoys the wedding.

Meanwhile have you heard of the latest McCain-Palin future stunt? Something to do with a wedding too!

Another McCain gimmick in the offing

McCain camp prays for Palin wedding

The marriage of the vice-presidential candidate’s pregnant teenage daughter could lift a flagging campaign

IN an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.

Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby.

"It would be fantastic," said a McCain insider. "You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week."

More in the Times UK here

Forrest Proper said...

Quick everyone- show up at the Palin wedding naked!!

Commander Zaius said...

Leigh: I pray at times that Guitar Hero would be banned. My small brain has enough issues working without having to try and write with my son and some collection of his friends playing it next to me.

Vicky: No I don't really do that, I was just joking. Although when my wife comes up to the family room when its hot I do make an exception.

Lime: Seriously, my grandmother did stuff like that when anyone in her family got sick. She was a real backwoods girl and more than a few times when she would come over to the house and apply some foul smelling herbal medicine to my chest.

Randal: Free beer, food, liquor and its was wall to wall republicans.

Mike: I have some internet provider called Windstream and I'm wondering if it might just be better to go back to dial-up.

Keshi: Had to, we have some sort of tropical storm crash into that very coast as we were driving up on Thursday. I'll have some post on it in a couple of days.

CM1: I needed every bit of the luck given that I was the only Obama supporter for at least ten square miles.

DCap: I'm not sure if the issue is my computer or the service. As far as the bride and groom I stayed away. I'll have more on that soon.

Vigil: Dodgers rock, but I'm a Red Sox fan.

Hill: That woman is the Antichrist.

Commander Zaius said...

Colonel: One wedding was bad enough. Now to have this on the horizon. I say again Palin is the Antichrist.

Keshi said...

Hope all went well tho :)


Utah Savage said...

Nice to see you at twitter. It will be a challenge for your. You are only allowed to use so many characters per post.

Baba Doodlius said...

Better keep your eyeballs on Google's auto-ads on your blog. Right under your Obama endoresement I just say the following:

Barack Obama Exposed
Learn shocking truth about Obama's Real Position on the 2nd Amendment!

Have a nice wedding trip!

Unknown said...

i wish i could have a beverage with you (and ms wiggles, but she gets juice, WE don't) on the beach. we could talk politics and get wasted. we could start screaming about the state of things. we could make a scene......

Kentucky Rain said...

Well hell BB! You left before I had a chance to say goodbye:-) Can't wait to hear the story on the flip side:-)

Kentucky Rain said...

P.S. Leigh...You are a FOX:-) Sorry if I sound sexist:-)but what the hell. As I recall there ARE two different sexes:-)

Commander Zaius said...

Baba: You know I keep forgetting about that ad stuff which I did one day on a whim. I'll have to look into setting some limits, sure as hell ain't making me any money so far.

Rose: If you ever get down this way hell yeah, lets make a scene. Wiggles on the other hand would probably already be making one just to see who would give her something. She smiles at a group of people and someone gives her something. One old but apparently decent fellow ran off and bought her another chocolate milk at the Burger Clown we were at in Pawleys on one beach trip after she spilled hers. At least I when she does it I'm close by.

MadMike: The wedding trip was VERY eventful and I've started writing about it but I'm having to be very careful on how structure it. I could get in BIG trouble if Dragonwife or any member of her family learn I spilled the beans.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I HATE my internet connection at my house. It's supposed to be "high speed" but it's a joke.

I really think my work internet connection has me spoiled is SUPER fast.

You crack me up....sacrificing chickens? Blogging nekkid? That's good...;)

Jessica said...

My uncle had a place in Sandbridge when I was a kid. Fond memories. Hope it was a good trip!

Commander Zaius said...

Jessica: It was basically, I'm just having a hard time writing it up. Serious craziness, and some of it just can't be believed even by me.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff....
thanks for sharing.....

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