David McArthur and Bruce McArthur, The Intelligent Heart
Most of us have had moments in childhood when we touched the divine presence. We did not think it extraordinary because it wasn't; it was just a beautiful moment filled with love. In those simple moments our hearts were alive, and we saw the poignant beauty of life vividly with wonder and appreciation.
I'm tired and preoccupied with my job being very busy lately and the seemly never ending battle to try and fix the Money Pit up enough to put it up for sale but while taking a small break at work I ran up on this photo and accompanying article. My frustrations and disappointments evaporated just for a few seconds as I gazed upon this photo with my small brain stumbling upon a fact I already know that in all the known universe this little blue-green ball carries all the life we know about. Cases are being made that Mars, Europa, and maybe a few pieces of real estate in the solar system might harbor abodes of single cell life but only our home harbors complex lifeforms that can write brilliant music and literature , paint works or art, and contemplate the nature of creation. While I do not wear my faith on my sleeve like one of my brothers I do not believe that our existence is just some huge accidental joke in the cosmos. It is not my desire to engage in a debate over the existence of a creator since I piss off the Bible Thumpers with my opinions just as much as the obnoxious scientific rationalists who in their own way are no better than those they condemn. I'm in not talking intelligent design, which is just warmed over creationism, but I can't help to think that the two groups are like blind people each touching an elephant and since each are touching a different piece of the animal their perspectives of the animal are completely different but each are right in their own limited way. Despite the social, political, and economic crap and dangers all of humanity has to put up with and face, perhaps the real test for our sentience might be finding a way to see beyond our limited senses and dogmatic notions of reality to see something greater. I hope this ramble makes some sense. Thats it, I really need a trip to the beach!
I regularly piss off the bible thumpers and I regularly support animals Beach. Speaking of the Beach I was there last weekend. It was wonderful. Great post as usual and it made great sense to me.
Ditto, ditto, and ditto.
Like your new avatar, Beach. It becomes you, as they say.
you make very good sense. and liek you said at my place...the beach and the vastness of the ocean.....mind clearing....hope you get there soon.
** but I can't help to think that the two groups are like blind people each touching an elephant and since each are touching a different piece of the animal their perspectives of the animal are completely different but each are right in their own limited way.
WOW very well said mate! thats exactly wut it is.
I love this post. U r so right.
I sit in the curious position at times of being condemned to eternal hell by none other than one of my brothers, the Pastor, and a few others like him. Then the other group relegates me to the dark abyss of superstition and ignorance, most notably a chemistry professor at the University of South Carolina whose attorney wife is a friend to Dragonwife. My brother I have to overlook and forgive as he does me. But I make no overstatement that the professor's puny butt was literally thrown out my front door after he had the balls to get in my face in my own home. This was after he went quite frankly nuts after finding the Bible sitting on my coffee table which had been put there after a telephone discussion about some point on biblical knowledge with the Pastor a while back. Dragonwife in a rare instant actually backed me up one that one breaking her friendship with the professor's wife.
But my rambling point is that both groups neither acknowledge the others point or position in society and the good they can do. Both condemn the other about unleashing chaos one in the form of religious crusades and jihads that kill millions over the centuries and the other that develops technology that brought about nuclear and biological warfare along with pollution and global climate change. So you will have to excuse the fact that neither sides righteousness impresses me all that much.
So as the Dawkins, and Hitchens battle it out with the Farwells and Swagarts I'll be hanging out with the Mother Teresa, Jimmy Carter and Francis Collins crowd. And yeah, I forgot Billy Graham, I like and respect that man.gtdvi
Really good stuff...
thanks for sharing....
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