Having major issues around the house and on the job and free time is essentially non-existent right now. Plus, throw in the fact that Blogger has been unhelpful to say the least with messages about the server being down when I actually felt like sitting down and writing something. So I'm taking the redneck version of the Busted Flush and going on a short hiatus and should be back in September.
rry to hear it. hope things settle down sooner rather than later.
*sorry (blogger at the beginning)
WTF, Beach????? Get your sorry ass back in here and write some more stuff. I Can't do without the real stuff.
aww see ya soon then!
Enjoy your "cruise" Beach. I am confident the rest of the "blogging circle" will keep things interesting.
First priority always has to be to the family and the home. I guess jobs should be a priority too, eh?
The Blog can survive even when it is neglected.
Where can I get a house boat like that? All it needs is an outboard motor and a case of beer to be a mobile paradise... :)
That case of beer is a must!
I like it....
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