There was a time in my life when I
flirted with the ideas surrounding conservative Republican
philosophy. Hindsight being what it is, I am severely embarrassed
about those four or five years I bought into the hateful rhetoric,
the blatant lies, along with the stunted and backwards views on
humanity and the world. Curiously enough it was the combo of
Bush/Cheney that made me wake up and realize the party of Lincoln was
hopelessly corrupted and morally bankrupt as any human-created entity
could ever fall. So, in a weird way, they were my passive Luke
Skywalker while I, as Anakin was less brought back to the Light Side
of the Force and more repelled by the Dark. A small distinction I
admit, but in these bizarre, almost surreal times we find ourselves
living you take what awareness the universe offers and run with it.
Let me state this, conservatism is not
inherently evil even though many followers of that movement are at
least indirect accomplices to those who promote hate and a complete
disregard to the welfare of less fortunate Americans and the rest of
the world. The best example for this is Congressman Paul Ryan who
stated something to the effect that Donald Trumps words during the
presidential campaign were racist and wrong but still wanted the
Republican nominee to win the election. Then there are the spineless
antics of both Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney who are even now groveling at
Donald's feet after commending his actions.
Going with the idea of a yin and yang
balance, liberalism does require a counterweight to prevent it from
drifting off into its own form of excesses. So, for that reason alone
conservatism, the rational type, is needed because any group or
belief can fly off the rails. The trouble is that conservatism, at
least the American type, has become mired in fear and prejudice and
is suffering from a delusion that the 1950's era United States was
some Golden Age where the country was great. And I'm not going to
touch conservatism's bizarre appeasement to white Southerners who
many even in the twenty-first century want to ignore slavery.
Simply put the United States we live in
now is not the same one that existed in the 1950's and sure as hell
isn't the one that existed at the ratification of the Constitution.
As much as conservatives want to petulantly stomp their
feet on the ground while whining about the original intent of the
Founding Fathers, they are a full-fledged detriment to the United
States. Men such as John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton,
and George Washington among many others all suffered from the usual
flaws but where they were exceptional was in that they crafted a document
that allowed the United States to evolve beyond its
eighteenth-century limitations.
While modern American conservatism came
into being during Barry Goldwater's run for president, it was Reagan
who brought it into power. Believe it or not, I'm not here to further
my bias views towards what I've already called corrupt and morally
bankrupt. What I have recently discovered though is how conservatives
are now rallying around a new standard bearer who has dedicated
himself to the preservation of “traditional values.” This new hero of conservative values is none other than Vladimir Putin, president of Russia and authoritarian tyrant who gleefully suppresses basic human rights and murders political opponents.
None other than most ancient of conservative dinosaurs, Pat Buchanan, the architect of Reagan's“Moral Majority” and the leading warrior in the so-called“culture wars” here in America just gushes like a lovelorn teenage girl over the macho Putin. Buchanan being the man who once
championed the fight against Russian communism and the promotion of
American values. Of course, Buchanan's moral and civic piety was lost
after his series of books spelling out his inherent fear of
immigrants and those who do not live up to his self proclaimed moral
standards. His conclusions in those books can all be summed up in his
ideas that everything was totally cool with Western Civilization as
long as white, Northern European Christian males were in charge of
running society. And that Western Civilization downfall is coming
because women have more control over the bodies, thus lowering the
Caucasian birthrate, while all those nasty, ignorant people with
darker skin shades are popping out babies like there is
no tomorrow.
The incredible irony that people like
Buchanan totally fail to appreciate is that the values of Western
Civilization of liberty and democracy have won. Overt nationalistic
fascism and Marxist-Leninist communism are, as Reagan predicted, on
the ash heap of history. Now, this doesn't include the more subtle
forms of fascism, based on ancient ethic and nationalistic beliefs
promoted by Putin and his kind, nor the corporate communism of Red
China who have embraced capitalism but refuse to allow democratic
elections or basic liberties.
Instead of working harder to promote
and spread Western values, Buchananites are getting increasingly
fearful and deranged over the fact that to be true to those principles
we have to include groups that have normally been left out and
oppressed. Even worse, there are those in America for whom Putin's
macho stance appeals to their less than informed minds or their own
stunted and stupid views on what it means to be a tough man. I
personally know one fool who admired Putin because the martial artist
actor Steven Segal worships the ground the Russian president walks on. This feeds
into those Americans who believe President Obama wasn't born in the
United States and those who think Putin is somehow defending
Christian folks in the Middle East and the rest of the world. I have
a dim view of all religions but if Putin and those who support him,
and Pat Buchanan for that matter, are in anyway Christian I have no
worries about going to hell after I die.
Say what you will about Ronald Reagan,
if someone went back in time and brought him to 2016 I have no doubt
he would be appalled at those supposedly following his beliefs. I'd
bet money I do not have that he would consider Trump an abomination
and Buchanan's, a long time friend, embrace of a murderous tyrant
over another freely elected American president treasonous.
You have to give the Devil his due
though, while for decades the Soviet Union tried to split the West
with all their communist propaganda, it looks like Putin has finally found
an effective weapon in the form of appealing to our age old fears and
prejudices. As someone who has lived in the American South for most
of my life, nothing scares ignorant white people more than the
specters of angry minorities and strange folks who do not fit the
overall social and cultural mindset.
While I love the city of Charleston,
South Carolina if you ever visit take one of the historical carriage
tours and pay careful attention to the houses built before the Civil
War. Those rich Antebellum types were so fearful of their slaves
killing them in the middle of the night many second floor windows
have mean looking spikes mounted just below to prevent anyone from
climbing up the walls and breaking in. Reading a little history will
also show the greatest fear for all whites, especially plantation
owners were slave rebellions. It is cold comfort that at least
Southerners share common prejudices with the rest of sorry ass
humanity when it comes to shunning those not fitting current cultural
norms. It's damn easy to point fingers at those who, for whatever
reason, do not fit in with the majority.
The thing about all this that really
bugs the living shit out of me is that if you and yours feel so
threatened by all the gays, Hispanics, Muslims, transgender types,
and anyone else that you feel forced to look to a murderous tyrant
for leadership I feel a sick pity for you. Because as much as the
Millennial kids are spoiled and difficult to get along with, they do
not give a rip about others peoples sexual preference, ethic origin,
religion, or any other superficial label the current pillars of moral
supervision force upon us all. Even where I live, a community so
politically conservative it rivals the stifling attitudes of the
1950's, the kids here are overwhelmingly open minded and accepting of
those that are different. Are these kids perfect or the harbinger of
some Aquarian Age? Hell no, I would still move my family and me to a
“Blue State” in a New York minute if circumstances allowed. But
like I described Pat Buchanan, the ridged and narrow-minded like him are
dinosaurs lazily glazing in the pastures of their fears. But there is
a huge ass asteroid on its way in the form of the young who a few
generations further down the road will be embarrassed at the beliefs
their grandparents and great-grandparents held.
So keep your goddamned Putin and any
who look to him as a savior of traditional values. The arc of history
has an imperfect but steady liberal trajectory. What is almost funny in all this is that Putin's moral crusade is less about protecting traditional values and more to shore up Russia's global presence and influence. But if he is the best Buchanan, Segal, and their likes can come up with I actually might be able to dredge up a little optimism for humanity's future.
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Here is something special for a certain person who took offense for me calling Putin a thug and him a tool. |
I liked this.
I want different points of view vying for dominance in my head. I don't want one tendency having its own way all of the time.
That being said, in politics, the institution wrapped around one philosophy can (largely by historical accident) become really ugly.
I also like your story about the spikes under the windows on the plantations. Evcen when we almost convince ourselves that the way things are ARE the natural order of things, we know it's not true. The people we exploit for our natural order are always there to remind us.
It's going to be a rough two years.
As annoying as millennials can be at times, it seems that, politically speaking, I'm closer to them and their thinking than a lot of the people in my generation.
Well said.
P.S. Bible Spice Palin - hahahaha!
Nareen: To mangle a phrase from Star Wars, politics is best when it is in balance. Not really sure when the United States became unhinged politically but you're right, the next two years are going to be bad. And if the Democrats no not get their house in order for 2018, I fear for the basic foundation of the country.
Migrating Spirit: Thanks!
Pixel: Me too, but I've often compared myself to a mutant when it comes to politics.
The Bug: Thanks!
A good rant. Not only would Reagan be appalled, but I expect Goldwater would be, too. I exited the conservative realm in 80, when I went to work for John Anderson. I learned then that anyone who has really thought out what being President means and requires is over everyone's head and won't stand a chance.
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
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