One of the problems with this strange little age we find ourselves living in is that being slightly sick is no excuse for anything. Caught a "minor" bug about a week ago and while I can deal with the headache and occasional chills anything involving higher brain functions takes too much effort. I am already working with a deficit of functional brain cells, so any illness puts me further in the black.
This has not stopped me from going to work at night or dealing with my wife's revised Honey-Do list over the weekend. In a way this minor bug is worse than the actual flu which I took a shot for about a month ago. If I was bedridden feeling like a zombie at least I could enjoy some serious couch time while watching countless hours of DVD movies and eating all sorts of snack crap. Right now I am dragging my butt to work finishing up my monthly duties before everyone flies off in different direction for Christmas. It is the same here at the house with my wife wanting two hallways and the foyer painted before she and the kids head off to Richmond, Virginia to see her family.
Dragonwife plans on leaving the day after Christmas and I aim to sleep at least 18 hours once they drive off. After that my duties will be reduced to feeding and walking the dogs and going down to Charleston at least once for a bar crawl. Crappy fiction and semi-psychotic rants should return at that point. Enjoy some Buffett till then.
Take care of yourself so that "minor" bug doesn't get a major attitude. I know a guy who swore by his favorite cure: pickle juice and Jack Daniels. Not saying he was a SMART guy. I mean, who wants to drink pickle juice?
THERE You are! Hope you feel a lot better very soon.
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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Your story and the video clip reminds me of the writing on a grave stone in the cemetery in Key West: "I told you I was sick."
So...please avoid that fate and take care of yourself!
Loved the clip - recognized many locations. I'm overdue to go back.
Happy ZZZZZZZ's and i'm looking forward to your semi-psychotic rants the more the merrier i say.
Turkey 101 and Robitussin...
Nah, fuck the Robitussin!
Dude, get the sick out of the way now so that when you do have the place to yourself, you can enjoy all the fruits of irresponsibility.
yuck. that kind of grind is no way to get better. hope you don't have to wait until after christmas for some of the rest you so badly need.
I got sick about a month ago and it was no fun. I actually missed two days of work :)
I hope you feel better soon though and get to enjoy your time off.
Enjoy your rest when the wife goes away. :)
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