A post about nothing...I hope.
Just when I began to think that nothing else in the huge cluster fuck called human civilization could surprise me Mother Earth goes and slaps me aside the head. Friday for me was rather busy and since I had not taken a lunch I had not heard a word about the outside world. I grabbed a Coke and a sandwich from the cafeteria and sat down to watch some news before I left for home.
Much to my surprise the red hot and ever so slightly vain Contessa Brewer was talking about a Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico with some cases appearing here in the United States. If I were to be asked what new Hell would pop up after 21st century pirates, global economic meltdown, and the new phenomenon of undead zombies being interviewed on television saying that torture isn't torture as long as Vice Zombie-in-Chief said it isn't the possibility of a global pandemic just wasn't one of them.
So what does one do at the appearance of yet another danger to human civilization? My small clan and I loaded up in the car and drove down to Charleston, South Carolina. The main reason was to see my cousin's new baby daughter but after we drove a little farther down the road and checked out Middleton Place plantation.
From there we checked the gardens lined with ancient oaks, the stable yards filled with the smell of living creatures, and the restaurant where I fell in love with their she-crab soup. All I can say is that soup is its a good thing I couldn't sell Dragonwife for another bowl. The day was climaxed with a cheese and wine tasting where I flat out almost did climax drinking absolutely fantastic Spanish red wines. They did have one German white wine amongst those I guzzled and all I can say about that wine is that the Germans are fine car makers.
As I staggered back to the car all the worries of the world were lost in the mental fog induced by the efforts of a bunch of fermented grapes. I figured that Sunday would bring news that the Swine Flu outbreak was treatable and over blown with the number of cases now declining. At least as I held the ice pack to my head sucking on three Advils and watching MSNBC I learned that it was treatable but cases were popping up all over the United States and the cases were still increasing down in Mexico. While all the talking heads, both media and CDC scientific types, say they are concerned, but not fearful, I hate to bring up that all the similarly smart and highly paid educated types several months ago said our little recession was suppose to be shallow and short lived.
With so much else to worry about my hopes and prayers goes out to President Obama and to all in government service with having to deal with this new slice of shit pie that just got served up. I swear though once this blows over I half expect the fabled zombie uprising or an alien invasion.
The picture is a nice peaceful place at Middleton Place in Charleston.
its a good thing I couldn't sell Dragonwife for another bowelok, sorry but my early adolescent sense of humor can't get past that typo. "hey, swap you my wife for that large intestine. whaddya say?"
You were in my neck of the woods at a beautiful time!
Yep, Ineed to watch it all closely since I have major travel lined next week.
I've got lots of Charleston relatives and I spent many a teenage summer there lapping up the southern comfort.
As one of the Middletons originally from SC (by way of the ole country), I envy your mini-vacash.
Pretty country. (Watch out for the rednecks.)
Lime: LOL, I was still recovering from my excessive wine tasting. But who am I kidding, if I ever write something without typos the world will end.
Joan: Big unscheduled meeting today at my hospital with all the bigwigs missing. It has many of us wondering what the subject might be.
Take care while traveling!
Suzan: It was great but all too short. But as for Rednecks I have more around where I live now.
How did your meeting go m'dear? ;)
I ain't worried about the flu yet..and it will take more than the jerkwads in the Mainstream Media to get me worked up about it.
Lots of myths and just plain shitty info on Swine Flu going around. I'm not overly worried.
Well...this worries me about swine flu. Frakkin' idiot...
It's not like the world couldn't go for another black death or three to thin the ranks. As long as the survivors don't end up looking like pigs as in that old Twilight Zone episode.
GOP Rep. Michelle Bachman has it figured out- she told a news reporter today that she finds it "an interesting 'coincidence' that swine flu pandemics only happen when the Democrat party is in the White House".
Ok, factually she's wrong, but her logic is, um, compelling...
I'm with you on German cars rather than German wine. But know what, I've tasted some fabulous German white wine but not often.
On the swine flu front, I wonder whether this is worse than the bird flu?
Dusty: We are already seeing people wander in to the emergency room at the hospital I work at worried they are infected. Most are various forms of wackos but some are simply scared.
Chef Cthulhu: I'm not worried about the virus itself. My worry are the fruits and nuts wandering the streets with some sort of idea the world might end. The veneer of civilization is already wearing thin in a lot of people,namely those with discarded tea bags in the car and a couple of assault rifles in the house.
Randal: You have read enough of my stuff to know I sort of expect Mother Earth to get really pissed off and "discipline" us errant, over dressed primates for our treatment of the planet.
While I don't believe this is our punishment, it might be a warning.
Colonel: She is the prime example of the veneer of civilization being very thin. It was reported on MSNBC today that Limbaugh suggested something similar. As I wrote above already people are coming to my work worried that the coughing Hispanic guy they bumped into may have infected them. My only real concern is that a few simple but misunderstood incidents could send such people who listen to Bachman or Limbaugh into a panic.
Hill: That was simply a fantastic day. If you and you family ever get over on this side of the pond in my area I will take y'all to that place. Loved the Spanish wines and I was serious when I wrote my head was killing me the next day.
As for the Swine Flu just earlier today i was reported that two deaths in Los Angeles might be from that virus. But everyone else in the US has only been infected with a mild form. Mexico is carrying all the weight here with the more deadlier form.
My biggest worry as I have stated are the elements of society for who reality is a shaky concept.
Im actually worried abt the flu this time ard, cos I may hv to travel overseas in May. hmmm...
Nice pic there BB!
Thanks again for the invite Beach... Will surely try very hard to take you up on that when we go to Virginia next.
Hope you can come over my side of the pond too so we can show you around. We'll open a few St Estephe's from my cellar. Still have a few good vintage bottles!
Keshi: Be careful when traveling and the bummer about my recent trip is that most of the other pictures suck.
Hill: Sounds good.
I really cant be 'careful' when its an airborne disease can I..so I guess I might stop pancking and just go lol!
wow... Great picture...
thanks for sharing.....
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