That's it, the wait is over and we are heading out early on vacation. Dragonwife learned this morning that a good number of Disney Vacation Club timeshare points will go down the drain if they are not used very soon. So we will be leaving tomorrow and will be spending a couple of days at the in-law's place, not something I'm looking forward to but at least we will be out of town and it will relieve a certain amount of nagging which is a whole other issue. Having to watch Hannity, my in-laws love the little chickenhawk, for two nights is a small price to pay to get on the way.
Then we head down to the Disney resort at Hilton Head to play on the beach and enjoy some morning walks on the marsh of Broad Creek. Saturday we hit the road again for the Disney parks staying until next Thursday. We will be staying at Wilderness Lodge and will be hitting Magic and Animal Kingdom along with some simple relaxation pool side with mega-sized adult beverages. Yes, at the happiest place on the planet I intend to get blitzed watching the various soccer and tennis moms and hopefully a few desperate housewives parade around in their bikinis. I just hope Miss Wiggles doesn't take her bathing suit off and run around naked like she did a couple of years ago. It wasn't that she stripped down to her birthday suit that caused the issue but that she somehow talked two other little girls into doing it as well and that small matter caused a problem with the resort staff and the other girl's parents. Yeah, I wrote about it in Dazed Disney Adventures. And with Darth Spoilboy getting hit early with girl crazy hormones I will have to keep a close eye on him as well.
The final segment in this little jaunt will be another visit to the Disney's Vero Beach resort. Which out of all this trip will be the part I'm looking forward to the most since that particular part of Florida's Atlantic coast has kept at least some of the old Florida charm I remember from my childhood. Our first visit to Vero in the early summer of 2005 had me freaking when I saw orange groves going all the way to a lagoon and with very little in the way of condos and the usual sprawl and over development that marks just about any location on the southeast coast. Of course 2005 was a bad hurricane year and when we returned in 2007 I could tell that this little Shangri-La, at least in my eyes, had been discovered and more than a few areas were being paved over with building contractor signs popping up like weeds including in the area that in 2005 was the orange grove right on the water. God only knows what it will look like now.
While we are away I will doing my best to avoid all news be it in the form of television, radio, or print. I have this silly hope that once I reconnect to the greater world at large Hillary's origins will have been discovered by NASA's Phoenix lander on Mars. Hope everyone has a good couple of weeks and I will be back in touch around June 16th.
Hillary came from Pluto, Beach! Doncha' know?
Remember the Golden Rule. Don't shower until you get home: you have to bring some sand back between your toes!
happy trails.
stay away from the Aliens BB! ;-)
Have fun. If Hillary's tentacles come out of her head while you're away we'll get a picture for you.
have fun getting blitzed :D i'm outta here tomorrow morning as well. lol @ hilary's origins
Oh the Florida Atlantic coast is the place to be! We usually go to Melbourne or Sebastian Inlet. Daytona is ALWAYS too crowded...Cocoa is pretty much the same.
Hope you enjoy Animal Kingdome. I live less then 10 miles away and STILL have not made it there yet! ;) (The PK HATES Disney.)
Can't wait to hear how your trip goes! :)
Hannity a small price to pay? You have a stronger constitution than I, sir!
Florida is my state BB and I have no doubt you will have a great time. I must point out, however, that your readers will be anxiously awaiting your return for surely there will be adventures to recount. After all, there is Miss Wiggles, Darth Spoilboy, and of course Dragonwife. Yup. June 16th can't come soon enough for me:-)
When you come back, Hillary will b on Mars. Obama has packed her off.
Enjoy your trip Beach.
have a goood trip!
Hot Moms in bikinis? Too funny. I liked your tag there you had.
And yes, Hannity is a chickenhawk. I can't stand the guy.
We'll miss you Beach, and then you won't have to read the newspapers or watch any pundits, since we all visit you. Just drop by Vig's place and read backwards. I've missed you lately.
Have a good time, enjoy yourself, and if the in-laws' TV breaks, no one will be the wiser.
hahaha hillary frm pluto lol lol lol......anyway..have a nice trip sir.!!!
I'm back and will be hitting every one either tonight or tomorrow at the latest.
heyyy welcome back!
interesting post...
Thanks for sharing......
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