Didn't mean to scare the little fella. Personally, I'm waiting for someone to explain to me how the self appointed empress of all that is holier-than-thou eight years as First Lady makes her her ready to be commander-in-chief. Now as far as knowing which fork to use at a state dinner or having the ability to kiss hundreds of babies on the campaign trail well I'll give her that.
like the joke i read...it's akin to saying donna lafavre is qualified to fill brett's shoes for the packers in the event he gets injured.
**self appointed empress
that she is! :)
my new favorite quote-
"If one candidate is trying to scare you, and the other one is trying to make you think, if one candidate's appealing to your fears, and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."
What good advice, I wonder who said it... oh, look, it was Bill Clinton, in October, 2004... I really do think that once she loses, Hillary is gonna take a big pair of garden shears to Bill.
To nominate Hillary Clinton as presidential contender would be to inflict upon the Democratic Party a Bob Dole Moment. Bob Dole was nominated by the GOP in 1996 mainly out of a sense of "entitlement". But in 1996, the Republicans never had many good alternatives. If Democrats selected their 2008 on the basis of entitlement, what would be their excuse?
I think the dramatic chipmunk says it all.
For years I have been asking what Hillary's real qualifications are. She seems to think that all that First Lady duty counts as real experience.
Hillary ran the White House before so who says she can't do it now...and even beter!
Girl Power! :o)
I hate politics. BAH!!!
Funny how I ended up working in the field. (NOT!!!!)
Do you have her phone no.?
Lime: Heard just a few minutes ago that Brett was retiring. Might as well lower the flags to half staff since many near-old farts like me looked to him to give us an idea that we still could go out and do what younger folks do.
Keshi: I had hoped during the very ealy stages of the campaign that my old distaste for Hillary had died during the sicken Bush years. I have to give her some credit in that she is staying true to form.
Colonel: Excellent quote and the very reason I voted for Obama in the South Carolina primary and why I support him now. I'm so sick and tired of one side trying to scare their way into office with the usual assortment of social, international, and religious bogeymen. A big difference I see in Obama is his use of the word "we" in how things will be worked on opposed to Hillary's "I". Of course that gets back to the self appointed empress thing.
Vigil: Good question and seriously I believe the Clinton camp would find the right-wing conspiracy at fault in they lost the general election. All jokes aside as much as it seems a certainty that a Democrat will win with the Republicans in a Bush created funk there is a whole bunch of repubs that are praying Hillary gets the nomination. And there is a reason behind that.
Mike: That they are trying to say just that amazes the poop out of me. Turning this around if she hadn't been First Lady, and just a junior senator, her run would have been a joke.
PrePon: I will surrender the point that she can't be any worse than the person occupying the office right now. My biggest concern with her is that she got to this point riding Bill's shirttails and I have never seen her on TV say anything that didn't come from a focus group. Plus, more than a few stories have leaked out that she is a control freak who will destroy anyone she feels is trying to steal her thunder.
Stacy: Honestly, except for Obama the most of rest of the fields in both parties scared the shit out of me.
Hill: No, but just for shits and giggles I would definitely party with Bill.
I like what Lime said.
Good point Lime and I don't even like football! As to the Hill Dog she was pressed this morning by a CNN reporter to be more specific about her so-called "preparedness" and what "crisis" had she handled. She spouted a lot of political nonsense but finally admitted that she hadn't actually been president and you had to be president before you could handle really serious stuff:-)
Slayer and MadMike: There are times recently that I have felt an almost compelling urge to stop listen to all politics. Yes, I understand that it is impossible to know what future events will shape the next president. Obama, or anyone else, could enter office and be blown away by something straight out of left field or (and more than likely) some issue Bush created that finally blew completely up into a mega-disaster. So I'm damned to understand how Hillary with her focus group perfected makeup and look can say she is ready to answer that 3:00am phone call. Truth be told while I will not vote for him if Hillary wants to drag in experience in foreign affairs McCain blows her away on several levels. I'm sorry, Hillary having tea and chit-chat with other first ladies still to me just doesn't cut it.
I'd party with Bill too, but he's got to bring better looking babes. I'm sure he'd be fun to party with. But come on, JFK had some hot babes. Why couldn't Bill Clinton?
Shame on me for trading in rumors, but Bill Clinton and Belinda Stronach were an item last year.
Slayer: Can't go wrong partying with a guy how can attract supermodels like flies.
Vigil: Had Google Belinda, if Hillary drops Bill he could not do much better to hook up with her.
Tee hee hee - very funny - we've been following the race from over here with some interest. I can't warm to Hilary but I guess I should try to listen to her pitch instead of wondering what she got implanted in her cheeks ... or maybe not.
I hate politics...
thanks for sharing...
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