The story of a half-assed military career.
One of the secrets for a successful
life is to know when a once good situation has changed so much that
a person needs to immediately begin looking for the first available
exit. Dedication to an organization and tenacity to see things
through when the going is rough are nice elements to the character of
a person but there are times when things get so utterly crazy it's
best for someone to cut their losses and run like hell. That
sentiment is true for a whole manner of things but my story begins in
the early 1980's.
When someone says they have only a
fuzzy recollection of their high school years the tendency is to
think such a person spent a good part of it smoking weed in an
isolated corner of the campus. Unfortunately, for me I cannot claim
that reason as to why I spent the entire four years of that segment
of my life totally oblivious as to what I would do once I graduated.
Long story short, I simply did not have a clue about anything from
continuing my education or what kind of job I might be able to find.
Circumstances surrounding my childhood
helped with that lack of direction but by the time I started my
freshman year in high school by all rights I should have had some
sort of plan. But it wasn't until my junior year, with adulthood fast
approaching, that I have the barest recollection of being worried
about what I would do after graduation. Somewhere around that time I
discovered two of my buddies had joined the National Guard and would
be attending basic during that summer and then return the next year
after graduation to finish up their training. Needless to say, with
nothing else in the works, it didn't take those two long to talk me
into joining.
While in hindsight it was a crappy
plan, and in fact I didn't go to basic until after my own graduation, at
least it had me doing something. In someways I had always figured
time in the military would play a part in my life but never once
during any of those ill-conceived daydreams did I ever consider
becoming a weekend warrior.
So, barely a couple of days after high
school graduation—truly an overblown ceremony in this day and age—I
found myself aboard a plane heading out to Fort Bliss, Texas. It was
there that I endured both basic training and Advanced Individual
Training, the former teaching the sorry ass collection of recruits I
was part of how to be soldiers, and the latter teaching us
specialized jobs like MANPADS crewman, Vulcan Gunner, or Chapparral
crewmen. Aside from the usual antics of recruits, my time at Fort
Bliss was fairy normal considering all the kids the officers and
NCO's assigned there trained during those years. The incident that stands out in my
mind was that when our training cycle began in July my unit was
issued warm weather PT uniforms which consisted of a thin t-shirt and
old style gym shorts. By the middle of September though the weather
during the mornings had turned decidedly cold forcing us all to
huddle together in tight packs in an effort to stay warm. Of course,
as we shivered in the cold, the DI's (Drill Instructors) watched us
from inside their warm office belly laughing at our suffering.
When I returned home to South Carolina
the National Guard seemed the best decision I had ever made in my
short life. During those all too brief Saturdays and Sundays, I got
to play soldier and hang out with others, who if they didn't fill a
similar thrill at the required activities at least played along,
well, that's mostly true.
Just a few months after I returned from
Fort Bliss a couple of guys and myself were tasked by the first
sergeant to go set up tables in one of the armory's classrooms for a
meeting. When we opened the door to that room it was almost totally
dark because all the window blinds were down. Naturally, one of us
flicked the light switch on to find the entire floor covered with
about fifteen to twenty of our fellow weekend warriors laying on the
floor sound asleep.
It goes without saying our arrival was
not welcome by any of the sleeping individuals. In fact one of the
guys on the floor, the principle of a nearby elementary school no
less, had some rather harsh words because we were disturbing his
beauty sleep.
“I will personally put my foot up
each of your asses if you don't turn the goddamn lights back off and
leave this room immediately!” This stalwart leader of the community
and guiding light to a couple of hundred of children and humble
teachers said to us. Mr. Nasty Mouth Principle was quickly backed up
with grunts of semiconscious acclamation from the other guys in the
room with him.
It was clear, at least to me, that the
collective mass of those individuals trying to sleep could have
gotten quite nasty towards us three lowly privates unless one of us had
quickly turned the situation to our advantage.
“Okay, but First Sergeant Bennett
told us to come in here and setup tables. He'll be here in a couple
of minutes to have a meeting with the platoon sergeants.” One of the other two said to the now alert group of men suddenly finding a reason to get
off the floor.
“Bennett, coming in here?” Mr.
Principle said clearly realizing that not only was he almost caught
sleeping by the wrong person but had missed some important
information and was about to be found totally unprepared for a
meeting he had to attend. It took a few more seconds for the brains
of those guys to digest all the implications of this news. But once
it did, they scrambled chaotically around searching for an escape
just like BDU wearing cockroaches trapped in a small room.
As the months passed I became a bit of
a fixture at the local armory helping out the full-time guys during
the normal work week when I had free time. As for civilian employment
during this period, I held one of two crappy jobs whose
one positive aspect was that they taught me I would eventually be
forced to take a different path in my life. Just so I don't have to
relive what is truthfully a rather embarrassing time for me, I'll
skip the descriptions of those two jobs that took me from the fall of
1984 to the summer of 1986. The one thing I will say is no, these
jobs were not in the fast food industry nor did they have anything to
do with working at a car wash. As for this new path, I had absolutely
no idea what it would look like so I did the simplest thing, I
transferred from the National Guard to the active army.
When I transitioned over I had every
intention of staying in the active army for the full twenty years, if
not longer. Along the way though the Soviet Union collapsed and the
leaders in Washington, both in Congress and the Pentagon decided that
the armed forces should be drawn down in size. It was the right
decision given the reordering of the geopolitical circumstances but for me it
meant another change in direction. I totally stink at interpersonal
workplace politics, which meant as positions became fewer the more
talented types who could kiss butt without worrying about the brown
substance smeared on their noses would ultimately jump ahead of a naive goofballs like me.
So, with my enlistment over in July
1990, I went back home, enrolled in the local community college and
for the most part began trying to form a plan for the rest of my
life. The other thing I did was reenlist back into the National Guard
because since I still enjoyed playing soldier and the
money given the time involved was unbelievably easy. Even though I was just a peacetime
soldier after having served active duty the trials and tribulations
of weekend drills and the annual two-week summer camp was something I
could do standing on my head, at night, during a torrential
rainstorm, while singing Margaritville. At least that was the case
when I first returned to the Guard, as the years went by that
situation began to change in unexpected ways.
My life progressed pretty much as
expected from 1990 to 1995 with me graduating from community college
in 1992, getting a real job soon after that, and culminating with me
getting married 1993. Even after getting married the Guard stayed
pretty much the same except that I transferred from the air defense
unit in the upstate of South Carolina down to one in Columbia. It was during
this time the Guard was slowly getting weird.
At first the changes were reasonable
and mainly revolved around senior leaders in the local units making
sure that if a soldier was supposed to be at drill, that trooper
better damn well have his ass there wearing a decent looking
uniform and mildly polished boots. Now if there was a civilian job
conflict with drill weekends the units use to work with that soldier
allowing him or her to make it up during the week helping the full
time guys and gals. Eventually even that commonsense approach slowly
changed with the unit first sergeants or commanders giving
long-winded lectures at formations telling us that your employer was
required by federal law to give a person time off so they could
report for National Guard duties be it drill weekends or the annual
two-week summer camp.
That was absolutely correct, except
that I can report first hand that both civilian bosses and coworkers
can become quite upset when that requires the former to juggle shift
scheduling and the latter to give up their precious deer hunting time
so they could cover the person who was away playing weekend warrior.
As my troubles mounted for that reason, I learned that while
patriotism appears to run miles wide here in the American South, its actual depth is quite shallow.
The Guard only made this situation
worse by ramping up participation in events that required a weekend
warrior to do extra drills during the same month, extended drills
that could go four or five days, extended summer camps going up to
three or even four weeks. I will never forget the surly and
disgruntled look on a particular boss's face when I told him my
National Guard unit was going to Fort Irwin, California for a summer
camp that would last twenty-five days. Thankfully, I had already
taken my vacation that summer, and my boss also understood my wife
was an attorney, which prevented him from getting really stupid.
Federal law is supposed to protect weekend warriors from any possible
reprisals from civilian employers for doing the required duty but
that's simply not how it works in reality. When you add the glories
of living in a “Right to Work State” that adds elements of
medieval serfdom for the common worker, you get a perfect brew of
legal vagueness that makes any supposed protection nearly worthless.
Simply put, if a boss gets irritated at a worker for being in the
Guard, he or she can essentially cook something up to get rid of
them. The same goes for hiring, discounting all the Guard/Employer
partnership BS, with a few exceptions most companies will bend
themselves into pretzels to avoid hiring members of the National Guard. From my
own personal past experience anyone who says different is either a
liar or a fool.
For me the straw that broke this
camel's back came in 1997. Up to then I had more or less successfully
dealt with all the vagaries that had become inherent to serving in
the peace time National Guard. Sure, there were several
incidents involving both my civilian employers and my wife that left
both upset with me. At the same time, the various National Guard units
I belonged considered me a person they wanted to keep because I was
showing up on time and meeting the required standards. I will admit
though, civilian life was taking a small toll on my weight which put
me on the “Fat Boy” program at few times forcing me on short term diets.
But it was in 1997 that I finally told
the Guard I wasn't going to play the good trooper anymore. Without
going all convoluted with details that might just confuse I was
involuntarily transferred to a new unit because the one I belonged was
grossly over strength while the one receiving me was desperate for
warm bodies. The new unit knew I did not hold the required MOS
(Mission Occupational Specialty) to perform the job they assigned me,
they said that would be corrected at a later date.
Which I took to mean prolonged training
sessions during monthly drill weekends, or a quicky qualification
course held at a summer camp. I had earned two other MOS's both of
those ways since leaving the active army and wasn't opposed to doing
it again. Full disclosure here, by 1997 I had a two year-old son and
my marriage at the time was running into some difficult waters, so
while I was still willing to play the game my first priority was to
my family.
That's not what my National Guard unit
had in mind. As summer camp for that year approached, my section
sergeant, truly a good guy, called me into his office for a meeting.
(I'll paraphrase the actual conversation to cover some privacy and
avoid needless detail.)
“Sergeant,” he said pushing a
folder filled with paperwork towards me, “we've scheduled you to
attend the radio repair course, it's sixteen weeks long so you will have
to explain the situation to your employer.”
Screw my baldheaded, dickless, anal
retentive boss at that time, all I really heard him say was that the
course, which I really didn't want to take, would have me away from
my family for four months. When you added the usual bureaucratic
in-processing time and out-processing, I was looking at maybe another
two weeks added to the four months. Given my marital situation at
that moment, I might as well gone ahead and hired an attorney and
filed for divorce. It was then that I felt that one last straw hit
the back of the smelly, obnoxious and grossly overloaded camel.
“No staff sergeant,” I said
politely, “ I will not go to this school. I have family
considerations and I will not endanger them for the National Guard.”
While my section sergeant was a decent
guy, he was totally dedicated to the Guard, to the point that by all
rights he should have gone active duty but that is something I will
touch on later. Needless to say, my open but polite refusal totally
screwed with his brain.
“You know we can't keep you in this
section unless you get qualified,” He said back to me.
“No disrespect staff sergeant, but I
didn't choose to come to this unit, I was forced. I'll gladly
transfer out to another to avoid this situation.”
As they say, my refusal went over like a
lead balloon, or a submarine with a screen door attached. While I
wasn't officially on any type of shit list, I had certainly become
persona non grata to just about everyone involved. My opinion
during that time, and even now, was screw the bastards if they
couldn't take a joke. I wasn't about to make my family pay the price
so a bunch of weekend Rambos could live out their leadership dreams.
The story doesn't end there, yeah I
transferred to another unit and once again found myself surrounded by
weekend warriors that by all rights should have gone active duty if
they truly wanted to realize their dreams of military glory. What I found
interesting though was their complete obviousness to the fact that
their over devotion to National Guard duty was screwing their
civilian lives.
One guy who worked in a retail store
came to drill one weekend totally flabbergasted that his regional
manager had given him a bad job review. Now this particular
individual eagerly volunteered for every extra weekend drill, even
the extended ones, and was constantly putting in and getting various
active army schools and training courses that took him away from his
civilian job for additional periods. The fact that he was quite a
smart person but couldn't connect his bad civilian job review with
his weekend warrior zealotry just made me shake my head in amazement.
The example that takes the cake belongs
to his best friend. This guy was like me in that he worked a
demanding factory job at the time which usually had him on twelve hour shifts. Add to that to all the extra Guard duties he
volunteered for, just like his best friend, that at times kept him
away from home for most of a month. It all came to head late one Sunday evening when he returned to his home only to find his wife standing outside with a suitcase telling him to go check into a motel.
Of course, I learned this at the next
weekend drill where he and several others were on the advance team
that would leave a couple of days ahead of the main part of the unit
for a five day exercise. That guy was in tears telling me that over
the intervening month he had been forced to look for an apartment and
move out of his house all the while dealing with his own bosses at
work while begging his wife to let him come home. The guy didn't have
a frakking clue. Yeah, he and his wife divorced several months later.
No joke intended, the last time I heard from that individual he had
developed a drinking problem.
You might be surprised to learn that
all this happened before 9/11 and the resulting cluster fucks that
became the Afghanistan and Iraq quagmires. I will not go further to
describe how National Guard demands grew exponentially after that,
nor how divorces, civilian career crashes, and even suicides followed
in the wake. I retired with twenty-one years in 2005, with only my
retirement paperwork being put in one month before my unit received
orders for deployment saving me from going overseas with them.
The funny thing in all this is that I
once had a lazy ass civilian—who not only never served but never
even considered joining the military—question my decision to
retire. After a few words explaining that while I hadn't given as
much as some Americans, I sure as hell had done a lot more than most
I punched the guy in the face. Personally I know violence is never
the answer, but damn, that felt good.
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To be perfectly honest, I've been out over ten years now and there are times I still dislike civilians as much as I did when I was an active duty soldier. |
Dedication to an organization and tenacity to see things through... <-- Yeah, those are nice and admirable qualities, but when it comes down to it, it's you who has to make your life work out. No matter how much time and care you invest in your job, your employer/boss will never give you anything in exchange other than a paycheck.
Pixel: Very true! I've been out over ten years now and the typical weekend warriors who throw everything away just to be deployed overseas amazes me. It's almost like they have no conception that the active army exists. Of course, this ultra-workaholic attitude exists in other places as well.
Funny thing about this post, it could have been several pages longer. The one side story I left out was that after my last unit received orders to go overseas they made everyone go through the deployment out processing, including me. At one point during the procedure I sat down at a table with a full bird colonel who upon learning my list of three MOS's joyfully exclaimed I could write my own ticket in Iraq, as if he was a job recruiter for relaxed, cushy jobs in Europe or the Caribbean. I about told the guy he was the most stupid person I ever encountered.
I never knew much of anything about National Guard. This was therefore both informative and entertaining. It put you through a lot!
Undoubtedly, the National Guard has changed dramatically since the '60s, when so many guys joined it in a last ditch effort to avoid being drafted into the regular Army. The term Weekend Warrior was a disparaging one back then, and was mostly used by the RA soldiers to describe the guys they considered draft dodgers. The way the Guard has changed since then is amazing. No WAY those guys and gals are weekend warriors anymore, and they haven't been for a long time. I never thought I'd see the day when so many Guardsmen and women were routinely sent into combat, and for so many tours. One combat tour in Nam for my husband was horrible enough; being sent back into that kind of hell multiple times is beyond horrible.
Nasreen: Yeah, I tried to give a small taste as to what use to go on and how it was when I retired. Long story short, if I had it to do over again I would go Air Force. In fact, I skipped a meeting with an Air Force recruiter to go ahead and go active army.
Susan: Yeah, I added the story about the guys sleeping in the classroom to show how it use to be back in the 80's when the Guard was still under old style rules. It was the downsizing that mostly caused the Guard to be pulled into a more stricter mindset. Which was what absolutely had to be done, but like the experience with my section sergeant wanting me to attend a four month course, and the two other guys who were willingly wrecking their civilian lives, the Guard has long since been in the habit of asking way too much.
In fact, a few people have asked me about joining the Guard since I retired and I am honest with them by saying if they really want to serve they should immediately go active duty. The problem with employers alone is enough to show the hassle is not worth the effort.
I work for a collection agency & we're pretty good about not penalizing folks for their service - BUT a big part of a collector's income is the bonus they earn. And they don't get a bonus if they're not there to make the calls. If I were a guardsperson I would definitely avoid a commission/bonus type job!
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