Thursday, February 6, 2014

Temporarily Mentally Indisposed

Please excuse, as for what is to me, a prolonged absence from making any blog posts. Suffering through a rather heavy gravity storm at work resulting in very little mental energy left when I get home for anything more intellectually strenuous than filling my cereal bowl, pouring some milk, and turning on the television. Which in many ways is a form of torture since morning television for me is a barren and surreal wasteland. It still bugs the hell out of me to channel surf over to the History Channel seeking something truly descriptive of their name only to be barraged with a marathon of one of the redundant reality shows they fanatically produce these days.

For this haphazard post I offer up the picture of Bill the Cat created by the famous Berkeley Breathed for his comic strips. The reason is that the fictional cat pretty much represents my current mental state. So until the situation clears I will leave you with his famous quote, “Ack!”


Life As I Know It Now said...

Taking a break from the blogging is alright, and sometimes just plain necessary. We'll be here when you get back :)

lime said...

sometimes bill sums it up more eloquently than anyone else. hang in there.

Pixel Peeper said...

I was just wondering today where you had disappeared to!

Hope the gravity storm at work lets up soon so your creative side can come out again. It's tough juggling everything; it's OK to retreat from one thing if another is taking up all your energy. As Life said, we'll be here when you get back.

Rose L said...

Ahhh, work. I have yet to find someone who would pay me to do whatever I want! Darn!!

Mr. Charleston said...

See you on the flip side BB

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

Hey, Beach! It's Al Jazeera or nothing. Everything else on teevee is either brain-dead or predictable. If you are not learning, you're dying. This post depresses me. I'm worried about you!

The Bug said...

I'm having the same storm at work. I still sneak in posts (of questionable quality) - I just don't have time to read blogs anymore! Ugh. Even now I'm cheating & reading at work because things have calmed down slightly.

By the way - did you know that back in my single days my license plate read OPUSLUST? I LOVED Bloom County :)

JUDI M. said...

Just as long as it's only a temporary state......and not a PERMANENT mental state like mine.......

Akelamalu said...

I know the feeling, I just don't seem to be able to motivate myself to blog. I will have to soon because I still have about 3 posts to finish off our last trip and we're due to go on another one (albeit a short break in England) soon.