It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again. Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause. Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt, The Man in the Arena
Not much can be truly be discerned from just one day in office but first impressions suggest that our new president is a steady, pragmatic, but yet dynamic man who honestly believes his duty is to all the people of this country. I am looking forward again to the promise and principles of what I believe America was founded on after eight years in which they were betrayed. The journey of renewal we are embarking on will be long and hard with some actively sabotaging efforts while others will be upset that their pet issues will not take precedence. Before some dreams can realized the basic framework of the country will have to be secured along with carefully disentangling our forces from foolish crusades started by incompetents and pursued by criminals. All told it will be far better to stand with that man in the arena and work to build something of meaning to all even though there will be things I would like to see done put off to a later date.
In a way, I could almost be happy if Obama turns out to be a Conservative (I know he is not), just as long as he were an honest one. Even with all my liberal tendencies, I can find common ground with the kind of conservative that is truly fiscally responsible.
I can not find any common ground with the "con-wannabes" that still support the disaster that the GOP has become.
Thankfully, we are moving on. But I have no doubt that the real fights have yet to begin. All the left has done, so far, is seize the higher ground. The bush MINI-MEs in Congress still have enough clout to kneecap us.
nobody is perfect...
too much hopeful ppl have become
i think they will be disappointed.
maybe they will not..
only future will tell
Very eloquent words. I was watching the news last night (Anderson 360 to be exact) and it was reported that Obama had a "redo" on his swearing in. They immediately started to dig in that he signed a transparency/ethics bill earlier in the day, but did not call the media (tv) into this little session. He did call in photographers and it was captured on audio.
They (media)saw him not being transparent, but I saw him doing what he does. Not leaving any stone unturned, putting his best foot forward, making sure the job is done right, details are important, I take this shit seriously and just to make sure... kind of deal going on. Personally I think the moment was for his own sense of what needed to be done, and he deserved that moment...as they indicated legally it was not necessary.
Long day, last minute deal...and I am sure broadcasting was the last thing on his mind. He did document it.
I hope the media watches and critiques real issues and not go after every little stink'n breath he takes. Let him move in, get settled, and then...start looking at the real game. He has already given us more access than we have ever had.
Yes, he does look and sound steady. He's proven that he's also pragmatic; that's gonna be a good combination.
Re Conneticut Man's "In a way, I could almost be happy if Obama turns out to be a Conservative (I know he is not), just as long as he were an honest one. Even with all my liberal tendencies, I can find common ground with the kind of conservative that is truly fiscally responsible."
Indeed! On the whole, I believe Obama is a responsible person and as you say, ideological tags won't matter for as long as he remains responsible, something that the previous pres was very short of.
I think by the second day we can conclude that he has hit the ground running. I just hope that the sheer amount of work he has to do is not overwhelming.
He sure was left a mess.
It is nice to wake up in the morning armed with the knowledge that for the first time since 2000 we have an honest and capable leader who will do his best for America. At some point I do need, however, to stop celebrating.
I still want investigations and oodles of criminal charges. But only if he wears his suit jacket, the slacker bum.
I love everything he's done so far. But like that bloody bastard Randal, I want war crimes charges. I want trials. I want hangings or life in prison for those crooks.
Connecticut Man 1: Yeah, the mini-me of John A. Boehner (R - OH)seems like he is going to be a real pain in the ass.
oo7: Maybe, but at least we are rid of Bush. It will be hard for anyone to be worse.
Malicious Intent: Welcome and I've added you to my links. I agree, Obama has already been far more open than Bush ever pretended to be.
Hill: The only thing I worry about is the unexpected that might pop up and sting Obama. I know the republicans would love for something like that to happen, especially that lowlife scum Limbaugh.
Mike: Yeah, if the banks start to fail despite all the money Bush pumped into them it could overwhelm him.
MadMike: It is freaky to hear the president speak and not have to deal with the latest Bushism.
Randal and Utah: Yeah, would love to see war crimes charges and Bush in jail. As for going suitless in the Oval Office I'd wear t-shirts, shorts and sandals if I was POTUS.
Hate to write this: Joe Biden can make some serious gaffes. But no one can ever doubt his intelligence. Beach, this post is so joyous and so sensible. There is both happiness and caution. I think that's a smart place to be.
oo7, of course no one's perfect (especially me)... but I want to revel in the feeling of hope right now. It's been too long since Americans have had a reason to feel hopeful. In this honeymoon period, I just want to feel happy.
Disappointment may ensue for me if this administration doesn't impeach Bush and Cheney, and call Karl Rove in for questioning. It probably won't happen, and I'll deal.
It's curious Connecticut Man 1, I can't honestly say that the Bush Administration had any awareness of fiscal responsibility. But, as you intimated, they were not real Republicans.
I remain cautiously optimistic, but feel liberated. All I can say is, so far so good.
week 1 was good - he did more good in 5 days than bush did in 8 years - but the fact that investigations and prosections of torture does not seem to be on the table bothers me
DCap: yeah, I would like to see a whole lot of investigating on that issue. One thing I do smell are republicans scamming behind the scenes to stop them.
I love the picture you posted with this one. and i'm still excited at the progress made this week. So hard to believe it hasn't been a full week since President Obama was sworn in..............
If there are criminal charges (and there should be) they should come from the Attorney General and not the congress or the White House. There are more urgent matters for these guys to deal with.
Yes .... no one is perfect...
Great post...
Thanks for sharing......
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