"Dear God George, would you look at the freaks today."
"Yeah Pete, especially the young couple in the back. They should really get a room, I swear that guy needs to pull his hand out of that girl's top before the kids notice like the tall goofy guy leering at them now."
"George, its the kids I'm talking about. Look at the little brat down there picking her nose and smearing her buggers on the glass, mammals are so disgusting."
"Yeah they are, lets blow this position and go eat some smaller fish."

A nice typical group of piranha. All discussing tax breaks for corporations, drilling off shore, how global warming is some insidious liberal conspiracy to hurt America, and Sara Palin's in depth and intelligent debating skills.

New Data from Whale Shark Research Research funded by the Georgia Aquarium tracked whale sharks diving to a mile deep and swimming more than 4,500 kilometers (2,835 miles) in just 150 days. That’s 30 km (18.9 miles) per day! Satellite tags were placed on several whale sharks off the coast of Mexico as a part of Project Domino, a collaboration of Mote Marine Laboratory, Georgia Aquarium and Mexican researchers. In the five years since the project began, the whale sharks that were tracked stayed in the Gulf of Mexico. Recently, a satellite tag returned data showing a whale shark that had traveled halfway to Africa.
The Georgia Aquarium has this viewing tunnel that more of less runs through the middle of the main tank with all the big fish. None of the pictures I took of the Whale Shark passing over head were good enough to post namely because I was in so much awe watching that magnificent creature pass overhead I simply couldn't operate the camera. I am of the opinion that anyone that comes away not wanting to protect the oceans and planet in general after seeing such a creature does not have a soul.

One Beach Bum (tall goofy guy) and Miss Wiggles outside the "World of Coke" which we didn't go see. Yes, my weight has increased to the point that I'm now eating like a rabbit again along with attempting to get back is some sort of frame of mine to begin exercising. At best though when the urge comes I'm just go lay down and let the feeling pass like Oscar Wilde is reported to have done. Why am I pointing at the good gentleman next to me? I can trace my weight increase to John Pemberton and his damn product that in all honesty I drink far too often. And yes, I'm trying my best to drink diet but despite the best efforts they still pretty much suck.

Oh yeah, after leaving the aquarium we crossed to the other side of Atlanta picked up the newest member of the family and hit warp speed back to the house. Meet Sparky, his likes are Jimmy Buffett, chasing squirrels, chips I leave unattended, doggy biscuits, smelling other dog's butts, and chewing Dragonwife's scrap booking materials she leaves on the floor. His dislikes are senile old farts running for president and whacked out governor running mates who can make a box of rocks seem smart. This is an Obama dog. On a separate note Miss Wiggles and I took Sparky to park and walked along the Columbia Canal the next day. Having both Wiggles and Sparky with me drew scores of very attractive ladies who wanted to talk with my daughter and pet the dog. All things considered it was a very good day.
No question about it, Beach: having a dawg in the back seat of your roadster improves one's pick-up averages. Improves OBA, TBA, as well as plain ol' BA!
wish i could visit Georgia Aquarium
some day.You described you trip so wel..i could so picture myself there.
So u want to lose weight..have oatmeal brother trust me it does wonders to your health :)
Sparky nice name ;D
take care buddy
oooh sounds like it was a really fun field trip! to think of all the times we've been in that neck of the woods and never got to see the aquarium....rats. thanks for the tour though.
Now I definitely want to make a trip down there. I mean, those fish look tasty, I just hope they don't have any of that liberal plastic in them.
I am of the opinion that anyone that comes away not wanting to protect the oceans and planet in general after seeing such a creature does not have a soul.
I couldn't agree more. It's a shame that the topic of the environment and nature isn't as sexy a topic as it should be within the discourse.
Good job on not getting caught leering. ;-)
I have been to the Georgia Aquarium several times BB and it is truly a neat place. The last time I was there they had lost one of their basking sharks and I don't know if they replaced it. They have a problem keeping those giant critters alive.
Congratulations on Sparky! He looks a little mischievous to me. Just right for your household my friend:-)
P.S. We both have Obama dogs! Vigil, on the other hand, has a Hillary dog:-)
Vigil: I almost brought the camera on that walk last Sunday but was kind of tired of taking pictures. Wish I had now, one lady who was running her dog stayed with us to the point that I was figuring Wiggles was distracting her run over her questions. She was VERY attractive and when I told Wiggles that I was sure the nice lady wanted to get going the lady looked at me like I had hurt her feelings. Of course that was probably just my own imagination but a guy got to have his fantasies.
Vicky: Yeah on the oatmeal, eating it for breakfast and lettuce for lunch. And to think I hated being as skinny as I was as a teenager.
Lime: If you do go get there as close to 9:00am as you can. Outside the entrance are several of those crazy maze guides leading up to the ticket windows that told me later in the day the crowds can make Disney seem mild. They went on forever.
Randal: The segment of my post with the two groupers (which I apologize for since its so lame) should have been did done differently because the tour guide was telling us that they are one of the many species getting close to extinction because they are so tasty. I just shake my head on the topics that are discussed while many of them are ignored. I don't blame Obama because when you have some the Palin freak dementia bound McCain lowering the discourse you have to fight fire with fire.
MadMike: I'm pretty sure the baskin shark has not been replaced. They did say that the tank holding the Whale Sharks could hold up to six adults. Yes, they looking for the male and female Whale Shark to dance the nasty and make babies.
Sparky mischievous? Yes and in fact he chewed up a shoe today and tried to hide it. When he was found out he ran to me and stayed in my lap, it was Dragonwife's shoe.
Loved the fish commentary about the boogers. Pricelss! :)
And seriously...what dog could possible NOT love Jimmy BUffett??? ;)
That sounds like a great day! Who couldnt love a dog that has great taste in music? And a fun day of harmless fishing. Cool!
Hey, left you some blog love at my place.
When our dog was a puppy, CM got so many chicks come up to him. I started carrying mace just to keep them away.
The notion that by seeing the miracles of the earth's wild life might engender a respect for it in the hunters of this land is probably lost on a pretty sizable percentage of the populace if the size of McPalin's rallies is any indication of gun toting rootin tootin shoot em up skin em and make burgers out of em mentality out there. There are folks who fish with dynamite. Fun huh?
Love Sparky. What a guy. So happy for Sparky to find you guys for family. He looks like an Obama dog to me.
Not so fast my dear, you have been tagged and by me. I got here first no matter what the rest of them say.
Stacy: That part was true; one little girl, and it wasn't Miss Wiggles, was smearing buggers on the window. I really don't believe the groupers were concerned. And yes a young couple was doing some serious making out and yes I was definitely leering.
C Rag: Please get well soon and I can't wait to see pictures of Angry Ginger. 30 seconds? I better not tell my wife, she would flip.
As for the ladies, I plan on hitting that park again this Sunday and no I will not be taking Dragonwife.
Utah: ...in the hunters of this land is probably lost on a pretty sizable percentage of the populace... Yeah you are right, especially the types that are convinced the world was created in 600 years.
Sparky and I are right now hanging loose after I took away a huge ball of yarn that he found underneath the couch. He is really cool.
Got the tag and will comply.
oh the aquarium is so cool...and I love the new little doglet...soooooo cute....love all road trips photos and tales....thanks for sharing ;-)
MadMike, Cat Ballou is not a Clinton. But I'm about to rename her Saracuda. (But Trophy Wife has threatened me with a frying pan if I do.) Tomorrow she gets fitted with a bark collar. (CB, not TW!)
i love aquariums.........
and you are already in love with sparky.......
what a day
LOL Vigil!!!
Enigma: I'm actually counting down the days till my next road trip back to the coast. Not only for a brief but much needed sanity recharge but because it will on the first weekend after the election in which I very much hope I can think about President-elect Obama. Plus Dragonwife ain't going so I will be able to just go where the winds and my feeble mind take me.
Vigil: You know after all my whining about Hillary and how she would pull down the ticket I now miss the lady. Joe Bidden is great and will make a fantastic VP but after the emergence of Sara I have come to realize Hillary would have been a better choice and would have ripped Palin new one.
D Cap: If you ever get down this way you have to see it. I've been to the National Aquarium up in Baltimore and the Georgia Aquarium is on par, if not a little better. Sparky is a absolute trip.
MadMike: To tell the truth when Vigil first mentioned a "bark collar" I had to reread since I first thought it was for Trophy Wife. Because Dragonwife has threaten to fit me with one at times.
I am of the opinion that anyone that comes away not wanting to protect the oceans and planet in general after seeing such a creature does not have a soul.
Agreed. Big time.
Nice pics. I need to go see the local aquarium now.
Heh, and yeah, we're pretty disgusting as a species.
ho! sounds good....
thanks for sharing....
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