Miss Wiggles took over the flipping of the pancakes Sunday morning as I walked away to fix something for Dragonwife. When I got back she had already flipped each one and moved it over to the plate so I after pouring the next batch on the griddle I let her stand over them. She is still a padawan pancake flipper but she is showing a true gift with the Force and spatula. Now if I can only get her to cook the pancakes when she is a teenager. Her brother was the same way at her age but now won't get out of bed while they are warm and when he does finally make his way to the table gets mad because the pancakes are cold and chewy.

Another milestone was recently made as Darth Spoilboy gave up his Wii by allowing Dragonwife to sell it on eBay. Dragonwife, ever eager to have more stuff to put on eBay, didn't give him a chance to change his mind. My only issue is that when my loving wife sold my old Superman comics on eBay several years ago I didn't get any money from the sale. Spoilboy did get most of the money from the Wii sale allowing him to order an bigger amplifier for his guitar. Oh, the joy!
His new love and interest is his guitar and the "band" he and his friends will be starting when one of them gets a set of drums for his birthday. Spoilboy has learned a few cords and when he has not hijacked the computer for his MySpace and Facebook pages leaving me with high and dry with no way to blog he is practicing the few cords he knows. There is some musical genes in the family with my brother, Joe Cool, who taught himself to play the guitar and is pretty damn good. I have long since come to realize I have no musical genes being unable to sing or play a freaking note of music. Of course the thing that got him started with the guitar was Joe Cool and a few others telling him guitar players get all the chicks.

Wiggle and myself did our usual Sunday (PancakeDay) trip to the zoo after breakfast and found the lion and lionesses very much liking the relatively cool morning and not caring very much about all the boobs walking by and watching them. One group of college kids did get a reaction after making a ruckus that involved the three guys in the group trying to impress the two girls walking with them. The three guys were, and excuse the pun, were monkeying around making all sorts of crazy sounds trying to get the lions to notice them. After several minutes I noticed that daddy lion raised his head looking at them with an almost human expression of annoyance. The two lionesses looked up as well then turned over and went back to sleep with daddy lion deciding to lick a part of himself that in turned freaked the college kids out causing them to leave the area. Sometimes I really wonder what species needs to be restricted to a zoo.

After many many visits to the lorikeet aviary where you can buy a small cup of special sugar water to feed the little feathered guys and gals I thought this little one and me were cool since from past visits he and his kin seemed to love landing all over Wiggles and myself without leaving anything behind. But for some reason right after this photo was taken he flew up, landed on my "Air Margaritaville" hat, and pooped on my head a couple of times. Wiggles and several other people in the aviary with us thought the running mess flowing down my back was the funniest thing in the world. Since the lorikeet poop washed out of my hat with no stains he and I are still cool.
I don't know how I got this photo from the recent Jenna Bush wedding down in Crawford but in this exclusive photo you can see Bush's new son-in-law already sucking Jenna's daddy you know what. I get all warm and fuzzy realizing we only have to wait a few more years before before yet another Bush tries to grace us with their inspiring leadership. Could we be looking a a Chelsea/Jenna presidential race several years down the road? Now dammit, there I go getting political and bringing my darker moods back. At least I have now less than three weeks before we go on vacation to Disney.

Love the wedding photo reference....you are SO bad! ;)
We have those Lorikeets at Busch Gardens that drink out of the little necter cups too.
And after all these years, I still suck at making pancakes.
lol @ darth spoilboy and the college kids. bird poopies are supposed to be really lucky you know. i know a couple of people who've had it happen on the morning of a test. they both went on to ace the test :|
and the wedding thing...roflmfao!
Stacy: I thought the resemblance was far too close to let slip by with the baboons. My daughter and I love the lorikeets and i hope one day to make it to Busch Gardens in Tampa. been to the Busch Gardens in Williamsburg and didn't really like it. As far as pancakes are concerned it literally took me years to figure out how to do it decently
g-Man: Welcome and I truly hope poopies are good luck because I sure could use some right now. I tried my best to ignore all of the press coverage of Jenna Bush's wedding but most of the American media can't seem to find anything else to report about except weddings, washed up drunken pop divas, and the current misadventures of movie stars. All that while global warming is going on, several "little" wars are being fought, and Bush tears up the Constitution and laughs about it.
Wedding photo.....funny guy you are! ha ha ha
Chelsea and Bush Baby makes me scared. If McCain wins this one, Chelsea and Bush baby will be fighting in Iran, so maybe we won't have that to worry about, as they too, might have PTSD. Unless we still believe being captured tortured, spilling you guts, surviving with PTSD is the only real qualification for Commander In Chief.
Cynical, moi?
Preposterous Ponderings: Not as much as I would like. I'm about completely burned out waiting to get away on vacation. Glad you are back and hope things are getting better.
Utah Savage: The only thing I would disagree with you is how the Clinton, Bush, Romney, and Cheney clans are far too rich and "important" and some way would be found for their children not to serve. In a rich man's war its the poor people that die. Cheney's many deferments and Bush's "glorious" Vietnam-era service shows that money outweighs the rich kids dieing for their country.
Some fantastic pics here WOW!
I love lil Miss Wiggles! Wud she make some pancakes for me too? awww...
Darth Spoilboy is looking hot!
Adore the zoo pics..I love watching animals. Look at those lions omg!
haha that Wedding pic!!
Do you have the Air Margaritaville hat with the fake leather bill? I had one and wore it out. Haven't been able to find another one like it since.
Great shot of the Bush wedding. Excellent.
BB hey tnxx!
My post 'Bitch In Training' wasnt abt my current readers...awww. Not abt u at all! Its abt some OLD friends who's not in my blog anymore...for ages. But they r everywhere else. So I felt a lil sad.
Just letting u know its not u. HUGZ!
the indian media is no better. you get those 'flashing news' announcements on the bottom of the screen, and it goes on to say some dumb actress was seen going out with some dumber actor. the media's been going to the dogs for a while now
The bush's always were a bit odd, but I have to say that they've never looked better.
Keshi: If you ever make it to my neck of the woods you can have all the pancakes you want. Told my son that you said he was hot and then I showed him your picture from your site and I now think he is in love from the look on his face. As for the wedding picture I have no idea how I got that one.
Mike: My Air Margaritaville has the regular bill but I bought mine two years ago at the Margaritaville store in Charleston and I saw the one you mentioned with the fake leather bill. I keep planning to make another visit to the Charleston store but a bunch of things seem to always get in the way.
Keshi: I understand, its just with Spoilboy's social life and his ever growing need for computer time to keep in contact with his friends I find myself being pushed back and delayed to the point I don't get to blog for a couple of days at a time or only make it to a few sites before I hear my own bedtime calling.
G-Man: In a weird way its nice to know it isn't just the American media going to hell in a handbasket.
Colonel: Actually I worried that someone from PETA would get upset that I insulted baboons by using the photo. But the photo became handy when I saw the tiny peepee on the primate and figured in some cosmic sense much of Bush's posturing while in office could be traced back to a similar issue.
Colonel Colonel, the Bush's will be around for a long, long time. They will be around so long, you will begin to love the Clintons.
wow, your kid is rockin'
Mmmm...pancakes! A fun post! :)
miss wiggles looks like a great pancaker! that's an awesome shot of the bird too1 and i am impressed by your papparazzi skills at being able to get shots of the bush wedding. bwahahahaha
Hope Darth keeps practicing. I just showed a friend's son how to play Anarchy in the UK the other day. As if we haven't heard that song too much already.
And hopefully we've seen the last of the Bush's and Clinton's in the White House. Knock on wood.
The troller strikes again.
Bored and wanting a dose of Beach sanity. I have nothing much to say except, Hi, Beach.
Tequila: I showed him your picture and he wants your phone number, serious.
E: Didn't do pancakes today, we just made sweet rolls and cleaned up the house.
Lime: Wiggles loves to cook but I'm not ready to give up the spatula just yet. Making pancakes is very relaxing.
Slayer: Spoilboy seems to be taking the guitar very serious. Dragonwife spent years trying to get him to enjoy his piano lessons she forced him to take and is jealous.
Stella: I have no idea who you might mean. :)
Utah: I've got something new up, you might enjoy it.
dangit, i left a comment here days ago. i really did. but blogger ate it. stupid blogger....
The pics r beautiful..so are your children. seeing them for the first time.
Lol..the wedding pic is hilarious to death.
The thing about piano - it actually improves your playing in everything else. The piano lessons helped my guitar playing big time.
What he sold hi Wii.... he must be really loving his music.... wii is not that old a console to sell away...:-)..anyways..best of luck to him..and good wishes to your family.!!!
Lime: I still see your comment, its just above Zombieslayer's.
Nitu: Thanks you for the compliment about my pictures. I will say that every time I think I've figured out my camera I start taking pictures that look like poop. As for my kids, they make me very tired at times but they are great none the less.
Slayer: I'll tell my son but his issue with the piano is more how his friends see it than anything else.
Vishvsambyal: Welcome and best wishes to you and your family as well. Please feel free to drop in anytime. Yeah, he wants to sell his Wii, and at this time it hasn't sold yet. Right now his girlfriend is taking more time than his guitar but he decided to NOT go with the rest of the family to Disney World next week and will be staying with his mom's grandparents. Since they live in another town, well away from his girlfriend, he will undoubtedly have plenty of time to practice.
Beach... i like the photos...
thanks for sharing....
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