I am officially heading out tomorrow morning and away from the daily barrage of the utter tragic and bizarre silliness that is life in these United States. I will be taking refuge in Charleston, Myrtle Beach, and Pawleys Island as the Republicans come to crow and roost in my home state for what I'm sure will be a reality bending weekend for them. From Huckabee's proposal to amend the Constitution to fit the Bible to the latest McCain swiftboating episode in this state that says he was giving aid to the Vietcong while a prisoner I'm sure the poop is going to get very deep here until someone is declared the winner. This being a truly strange state there is some talk that Fred Thompson has actually awoke and is moving up the in the polls. Given the number of times this state sent Strom Thurmond back to the senate we do have a nasty habit of voting for the dead.
My brother Joe Cool and his lovely Mrs. Cool will be joining the kids and myself as we range up and down from the Lowcountry and Grand Strand. While we will not be looking to meet any politicians Joe Cool will be bringing his two attack Chihuahuas, Steve and Dodo, and any encounters that might happen will not be pretty. As long as my kids and Steve and Dodo avoid biting anyone I should be back Tuesday. I wish everyone the best.
wow lucky u BB! Enjoy n TC HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Gonna miss ya tho...
have fun. and oooh i am envious!
Have a great time!
sounds like good times. have a drink for me!
Your state has"a nasty habit of voting for the dead"?. Yeah! I chuckled at that. Fredster looks like the great Zombie undertaker of all time. An unlively-er candidate I cannot imagine!
Have fun at the beach, Beach! Come back un-showered with sand between your toes!
I'm not a big John McCain fan, but the man does seem to come in for more than his share of undeserved crap.
Have a great time!
Have a great time.
Have fun & a few drinks for my beloved city, Charleston.
Loved the Strom Thurmond comment. Hilarious. Have fun, make us jealous when you get back!
I'm back and I have to admit the extended weekend was a bust from Sunday night. The entire tribe caught a hell of a stomach bug and while a bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work this might have been the exception. Still having cramps and while I dropped in to many of your sites I'm calling it a night.
Ah -- despite the bag, I detect a great deal of satisfaction there Beach Bum, so the holiday ain't three bad...Excellent!
I'm utterly jealous. Hope you had a great time.
Quick update. Due to the weather Thursday night my brother was unable to put his larger dogs in the kennel soon enough to meet the kids and I at the USS Yorktown in Charleston. The kids and I did the naval museum and had to forgo the longer trip into the city for the sightseeing. Major bummer but we can always come back at a later date. My brother, who did some part-time travel agent stuff a few years ago somehow still gets free offers to stay at rental condos and some resorts. While he and his wife do the resorts for just themselves he does ask family and friends to join up for the condos. Once my brother and his wife linked up with us late Friday we moseyed over to Myrtle Beach and spent Friday and Saturday night at the condo. We did all the stupid tourist stuff that any respectful local would never think of coming near. Got blasted at Margaritaville and I almost hooked up with a single mom from Ohio at further down Barefoot Landing who seemed very interested in learning to shag. I joked with her about what type of shagging she wanted instruction in. That is a post for the future. Sunday we came back down to Uncle Paul's beach house and went to Murrells Inlet for seafood trying a different restaurant than the usual. Joining us for the seafood was Easyrider and several others of his branch of the tribe. While many things went on, namely getting sick late Sunday night, I will report right now that his daughter the 40 year old Bikerbabe will be a grandmother. Given our past ancient dating disasters no, her twenty-one year old first child is not mine. While everyone in the group did get sick, some worse than others, Miss Wiggles who ate stuff off all the plates cruised through the trip without a single bowing down at the porcelain alter. For those wondering who else might have came down with Easyrider's daughter, yes she did. I'll do a full post about it sometime in the future.
**Sunday night, I will report right now that his daughter the 40 year old Bikerbabe will be a grandmother
WOW 40 and a granma already! :)
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