My in-laws purchased some nice property on a cove on Lake Marion several years ago and built themselves a retirement home to enjoy some quite time out of the crowds and rush of everyday life. Unfortunately, an over abundance of nice sunny days has gone from a blessing to a curse with their cove drying up stranding their and all the neighbors water craft on what is now mud flats. In the distance you may be able to see the white PVC pipe that they and others have had to extend to supply water for their lawn sprinklers until it was banned. As I walked the dried sandy areas I found thousands of tiny fresh water clams that had long since died due to the receding water. I also found very fresh deer tracks in the sand all leading to the puddles further away in the mud. Examining the pier supports you can see where the water level went up to before the drought. I touched a nerve on my father-in-law as I returned inside the house exclaiming how bad the situation looked. A house on mud flats is worth far less than a house still on the water. I'm unsure of how much rain it would take to return the lake back to it's original level but all estimates I have heard would require far more than it looks like we will get anytime soon. I think that was the biggest reason my father-in-law is touchy on the subject.

This looks out in the direction toward the main part of the lake. I was half tempted to try to walk out to where the new drought induced shore line is but got called back by Miss Wiggles who wanted to come and for several reasons at the time that would not have been a good idea. Actually the most disturbing aspect of this drought for me was seeing that land grasses have begun their invasion of the cove. I didn't get any pictures from other locations as we were driving away but these cove residents have it only a little worse off than others in the area but the lake level is still falling. While I'm in no way worried for the richer folks and the disposition of their boats and jet skis others in the area have a far more practical need for the water in this lake. Like Atlanta residents getting their water from a lake, many residents in this area get their tap water from this lake.
Take away some of the rain we have had where I am at.
The roads were slippery earlier today because it was so cold to boot!
How sad ...especially when you think of the quality of water now being pumped into homes.
wow, that is just shocking.
Beach we are suffering here in Georgia\Florida. I have a pond on my little farm and it dropped from 12 feet to 3 feet this summer. This is not the exception in my area, and apparently not in yours.
I remember the words of Right Wing Mouthpiece Sean Hannity a few years ago:
Global warming is a liberal plot....
My Ma was just talking me that the rain that passed through SC was predicted to give 3 inches, but it was only 1.5 inches.
If it wasn't for the Savannah River, my home town would be water rationing.
Preposterous Ponderings: I wish we could get some of your rain. Sunday it was forecasted in my area to rain all day. There were very dark clouds while I raked my front yard but the actual rain only lasted 15 to 30 minutes. The sun was shining again by 1:00pm that afternoon.
Sara Sue: The pumping station for my in-laws region is in the deeper sections of the lake but levels are falling. As with just about every other body of water in the southeast cancerous urban sprawl has placed a huge demand on water resources that is doing good in just keeping up in good times.
Lime: My mother-in-law told me about the dried up cove a while back but actually seeing it was shocking.
MadMike: The most laughable thing in all this is my in-laws watch that ignorant chickenhawk bastard Hannity almost every night. Yeah THEY buy the global warming is an evil hoax setup to harm the US economy. Since they are my in-laws and I'm a guest in their house I was raised to respect them and their opinions even though I don't share them. Dragonwife on the other hand and them have some rather heavy arguments.
C.Rag: I just hope some relief comes soon. Things could get really bad if this continues for sveral more months.
We have had 3 days of serious rain and snow and freezing rains here. I would gladly send you some of that in return for some of your "warmer" weather.
Mike: I have always loved sunny days, comes from living close to a beach in my younger days. But like having far too much candy I have literally become sick to death of clear skies and would love to have about a week of cloudy, rainy weather. Hell yeah, if you could send some rain it would be great.
Guys, you simplify it too much. It's not that global warming is a liberal plot. For the Reich Wing, it's contending and dealing with climate change that is the collectivist scheme to take their profits away from the laissez-faire capitalist gaming table. They don't want to face the day of reckoning, until they can have one (or two), (or three) more good year of profits. The longer they can delay us with the ecological appeasement, the sooner we will see 'Peak-Oil' replaced by 'Peak-Water'. Maybe that will happen in my life time; for sure it will happen during the lives of my grand children.
so sad and so frightening
I know others have said it, but I can't come up with a better reaction than, that's just shocking. And very sad.
I tagged you for the Malach Meme, by the way.
that sucks. the man made deepwater canals in the back of my parents house in fla have also had lowering levels.
sorry about your in-laws house.
Vigil: Your point is well made. I first of something called the Diamond/water paradox a few weeks back and slapped my head in shame in not seeing it right off. The article I read stated that while diamonds are very expensive they are mainly used for decorations. And while water is the basic need of all life it is very cheap. A water-type OPEC business would cause many in corporate life to orgasm.
Rose and Colonel: Yeah, but as I drove into their town I saw that the local car wash was going full force. As we drove away and past the car wash again I actually started laughing. The place still had several pimped and expensive rides being babied by their owners.
Tequila: I was wondering how Florida was doing. The coast of South Carolina has gotten plenty of rain and is not in trouble. Since Florida gets a good amount of tropical mositure I had hoped they might be spared. And my in-laws, they are generally good people and will be okay, as long as they don't move in with me.
Wish I cud provide u all the water I get :)
I guess so much for getting their tap water from the lake.
Funny thing was back in college, I predicted water wars in the future. I didn't realize it will probably start in our lifetime. We're seeing the beginnings of water problems already.
I think it's Quatar the country that will be completely out of water within 20 years.
just pray for rain, it will come
what, living with your in-laws wouldn't be good times? haaaaa!
I have been told there is an island cemetery in the lake that was there before it was flooded. I wonder if I could walk out to it now. Hmmm.
Keshi: Last I heard you all hurting pretty bad down under.I hope we all get some rain soon.
ZombieSlayer: Yeah somebody really screwed the pooch on planning with all the development that has gone down here in the southeast the last few decades. I've seen a few reports that, as you say, predict wars over water. Turning into a damn fine mess of our own creation. I'm expecting the zombie uprising anytime now since it seens the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Tequila Mockingbird: As long as I have a tent and or a nearby over pass to sleep under I will avoid living with my in-laws at all costs.
Joan: I don't know, but I will ask my my mother-in-law who has taken an interest in the area since she moved there.
Donviti: Covering that angle as well.
Ah, the heartbreaking "rain" that was going to last all day and turned out to be just under .5 inches? Yup, all too familiar with those. Going to be a tough year.
We've had endless rain here too Beach Bum.
Wouldn't it be just nice if we could swap some with some sun from there yonder!
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