Spent last weekend at Joe Cool's house in the upstate of South Carolina. My brother and his wife, the lovely Mrs. Cool, pulled out the musical gear and we all had a Jimmy Buffett, John Denver, James Taylor, Toby Keith, and Dolly Parton concert in his house. Miss Wiggles is pictured here singing her favorite Buffett song "Bring back the magic". Which I might add has been her favorite for quite sometime and is very good at it. Everyone had to sing one song and I, feeling very toasty, sang the infamous Buffett tune "Why don't we get drunk and scre...." Since this is a family site I can not finish the title of that song but everyone should get my drift of the complete name. Spoilboy is currently using the computer along with several of his posse and I will have more to publish by tomorrow night. I really need to get a laptop.
Awww she is too damn cute!
If she makes it big I'll be the 1st to buy her CD...or whatever that have in the year 2022.
She is cute and it looks like everyone had a great time.
Preposterous Ponderings: Yes, she cute and my biggest worry is that she knows it. One of my son's friends who is in the 5th grade old me that ever time he sees Wiggles at school she has a cluster of boys around her.
Mike: The beer and margitritas flowed well into Sunday morning. The only problem I had no female to play Naked Twister with, which was going on new the far bedroom.
how cute is she???? love it. sounds like a great time was had by all.
That's the reason my CockMaster doesn't want a girl. He's afraid he will have to carry a gun with him & follow her around.
Miss Wiggles is very cute! Just don't teach her that Buffett song you sang. Then there will be more boys around her.
she really IS more than cute!
i have a request-teach her some van morrison
Which is it going to be, Beach? You're obviously going to have to give up either your day-job or your night-time blogging to become Ms. Wiggles' agent. Sooner or later, you will have to choose.
Oh yes, THAT song. I've got a live album he did with that on it, and after one chorus he yells to the crowd- "I can't wait for them to put that warning label on my live album!
Lime: It was a great time but my hangover the next morning was not, I'm simply getting old.
C.Rag: She, my nephews, and Spoilboy were hustled into the den with a nie family movie playing away from the more adult musical renditions.
Rose: Learning brown eyed girl is must.
Vigil: Thats all this country needs, another Brittany Spears.
Colonel: That song was playing one time as I drove up to my grandmother's house. I didn't see her outside with one of her friends and while I was in my late twenties she was very upset with me and I felt like I was eight.
Now thats a REAL idol! awwwwwwww....
What a fun time you all were having.
Came over to tell you to take the offer for the babysitter and go out on that date!
Have a lovely week, Beach Bum
Keshi and S: Thanks, and will have to talk Dragonwife into it. She hates to miss her reality shows, long story.
Cute kid! She looks like she is just about the same age as my little girl.
Cute photo....
thanks for sharing...
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